>>1671244Im a firm believer that food is important
Plus when. I'm traveling I hate to spend a ton of money on fast food etc
This helps to keep costs down
Don't have any good pictures of it but I e also got some modifications for winter camping
Have 1 inch foam board insulation cut to fit all the windows in the back (you can see it stacked to the left behind the animal carrier
Outside covered in duct tape means that it doesn't catch people's eyes walking past if I'm parked in am urban spot
Also helps with waterproofing if it happens to be on the window I crack
And it helps keep most light out
As for the front, I run a curtain (in the summer, in th winter I usually double it up with two jackets ) to cut off the back sleeping area from the front two seats
Helps keep the warm back in there and keeps light down and privacy up
The lack of head space and being up higher also really helps keep it warm fairly easy,
Ive had several nights below freezing. Where Im in there 8-9 hours before I wake up and realize it's slightly chilly
Will get better pics of stuff soon