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I hate being in a tent. Everytim I am in a tent I get paranoid.
> North Romania w/ girl-friend, stay in a field obscured by bushes.
> throughout all night hear river and walking right next to our tent, can't sleep all night
> mfw no signs of life in dozens of meters every time I peek, river is 30 meters away
> survive the night, get shitty sleep, get greeted by curious cows around our tent
> West Finland w/ girlfriend, stay in a teepee in a small patch of dense pygmy birches, only one narrow path leading up to the teepee
> two nights in a row some cat-size creature rustles leaves and all our jimmies, too cold and rocky outside to set my naked, tender feet outside and scare that shit away.
> hate that small faggot sincerely
> take a picture of warm potato baked in ash, the background birches make it look slightly like soul or spirit
> take picture of steamy potato, show to gf, don't sleep rest of the night + fucking critter rustling in the leaves...
pic related ^
Hate people and raccoon size shit rustling