>>2049179Started shooting after a few years of not. Have a yard finally and set up a bag target 20 yards out. Had a half dozen arrows made up right away. Shot till my shoulder hurt both days last weekend. Decided to upgrade stabilizer because the one I had was trash. BeeStinger made bow noticeably quieter and took a lot of vibration out. Got a Spot Hogg Wiseguy coming tomorrow, after using the same tru-fire dual caliper release since I was like 15 (17 years ago). Getting my groove back. Feels good man.
Getting stoked for bow hunting this fall. Been too long.
2012 Alpine F1 Fireball
65 lb draw
Trophy Ridge 5 pin sight
Bee Stinger Extreme Hunter Stabilizer
NAP Apache rest
Easton Axis 340, 100gr points