>>2366917You claim to be able to listen to a plant for decades and you can't recognize that a tortured, half dead box elder growing in a horrible condition would be better put out it's misery and replaced with something better rather than let it fester till disease and age takes it? Rather than replace it now with something that will thrive there. If that's a case you want to make then I disagree from the outset but am open to hear you present reasons why you think so.
>this guy gets itI admit you may be talking about American suburbia which I only have a passing first hand experience with and indeed seems like another kind of hell hole.
But that said, what I do here should be as possible as you down south. My business is permaculture landscaping to transform urban wastelands and with the help of my wife who is an amazing person in her own right we've been able to set our sights on a bigger project still.
What I don't get is why are you still pulling this lame trolling? What if any advice have I given that you disagree with and why? These are my replies to the thread, at least one person
>>2363136 has pulled the "You do realize more than one person is replying to you right?" So if you expect anything close to a serious reply then identify yourself fully as well and say something intelligent.