>>1551754>tomatoesEven down to zone 6 that shouldn't be too much of a problem. A simple shade cloth would negate the issue regardless.
> 3 x 7 beds or three 3 x 4Continuous is better since it will give you more growing space. I'd personally make it a full 3 x 15. Some of my beds are 3 x 40.
>>1551755For ducklings, store bought feed such as "duckling starter" is best. If you can't purchase that in your area you will need to get, "unmedicated chick starter," and, "nutritional yeast." Ducks are sensitive to the medication in medicated chick starter. Ducks also need extra B vitamins that the nutritional yeast provides. Mix 2.5 cups of nutritional yeast for 50lbs of starter feed.
If you wish to feed them more natural fodder you can feed them peas, which are high in the niacin they need, as well as many other types of vegetables, feeder insects, and pastureland. When pastured, ducks can eat some stuff that chickens do not like. Both can eat pasture-based silage. If you have a garden fraught with gastropods, you can release ducks into it, monitor them and allow them to eat the gastropods. Just release them into it just before the break of dawn. Keep an eye on them so they don't eat your crops. Unlike chickens, ducks do not scratch up the ground, and won't mess up mulch or plant roots like chickens can do. 15-30mins in the garden should be enough time depending on the size of the garden then kick them out of it.
>>1551802Shade cloth or dig it up and move it to partial shade. FYI, white petal flower of hydrangea usually reflect enough sunlight that they don't get burned in that manner.
>>1551915Yes, lamb's quarter, bidens (beggar's tick), purslane, chickweed, and many other edible invasives. The only 2 things I'm having trouble with right now are hedge bindweed and some newly arrived spiny amaranth. The former isn't edible and its rhizomes are very troublesome. The latter, while it is edible, is full of spins and requires me to use leather gloves to pull them out.