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Outdoors and survival related infographics.
Now a days almost everyone carries a smartphone.
>Someday you are lost in the wilderness, emergency strikes, or the acopalypse happens.
>You know nothing about survival, but luckily you got some infographics from this thread on your phone that has a little bit of battery left.
>The infographic will quickly teach you the basics to get you trough the first nights, before you are left on your own.
Maybe one of these infographics could save your or someone's life.
Store them on your phone, your tablet, laptop, or even better PRINT THEM OUT!
Share them with everyone.
You never know when disaster strikes.
Dump incoming
>Infographic about basic small scale farming
Infographic about indentifying common berries
>Infographic about indentifying common mushrooms
Infographic about first aid and wound treatment