>>2364827https://www.rei.com/product/103050/sawyer-squeeze-water-filter-systemTheir bags suck, so i'd buy aftermarket. Mark one bag clean, and the other dirty. Gravity system makes it easy to pump plenty of liquid. You don't want to mess around drinking shit water. You can fuck yourself up for life. I had a buddy that had to get advanced antibiotics that cost a couple grand because all the other antibios failed. His water filter failed.
No boiling won't save you.
>also if you make being a woman part of your argument, pulling the woman cardyou are going to get tit carded.
>>2364771just rotate socks, boxers, and shirts. Easy enough to wash and can hang from bag to dry if it isn't too woodsy.
I've been a wildland lookout and away from a shower for 2-3 weeks. Not a big deal. You can always find an alone spot and sponge bath the gross areas. Behind ears, pits, crotch, anus, and feet. Don't need deodorant. You will smell like shit regardless. I used. I use calamine lotion for chafed spots. Costs $1 at kroger/fred meyer.
>>2364976i work alone, where if I called help before dying, the nearest help would be 1-2 hours away. I've met a lot of weird people (midnight visitors, hunters), but meth heads and other trash usually hang around in cities.
Even with female lookouts, a dog, bear spray/mace, or a gun (or combination) is fine.
assuming you won't be walking on the side of a highway, but don't look vulnerable. Dogs are the best deterrent. Make sure you have practiced how to use a gun or mace with the 20 ft rule for a knife attacker to charge you. If someone is weird, you can easily have your hands in your pockets with it at the ready.
Of the 100ish bear attacks in the last century, statistics show bear spray is equal to firearms as the bear is more likely to turn tail and run than get aggressive when sprayed.
still always nice to have some gun, even a 5 shot j frame if it returns.