>>1486969it's a 7x jr anon, do you really expect me to throw that shit effectively on my gg90J? it's like throwing a small megabait. Only way you can cast those far on a jigstick is with some old school models that are a pain in the ass when you have a fish on the other end, or with lighter rods that will load up well with a jig that size.
And why the fuck would I need 55lbs of drag when I'm fishing 25lb to 50lb? it's overkill, and the only situation where you're gonna be fishing locked drags is to pull bass or yellows out of the kelp or rocks and even then, I would say you don't need more than 12lbs of drag. Offshore you really want to let a nice fish run, and for that you're gonna need smooth drags fished at 25-33% of the line's strength. That's basic knowledge.
Baitrunner reels have a little drag the baitfish still has to fight to go out and run, while conventionals are just thrown on freespool, giving baitfish the least resistance. A 6000 shimano baitrunner is almost twice as heavy as my tranx 400, both have similar drag ratings, and the tranx has a higher line capacity.
Now I never said irons were a fad, I said they were niche. Sure, everybody that gets on a sportboat might have an iron on their tackle box, but not everyone will now how to fish one well (or even realize that not all irons swim, and you want to find one that swims). I do know irons have been around forever, I would kill for some old 7xs or brass 6xs, also some good 45s, it's hard to find a swimmer nowadays. And I stand by my statement with poppers, out here they were not as prevalent until the el niño years couple years back when they became huge cause guys were catching those foamer bluefin early on the year with it. Of course they are effective lures, but I don't remember seeing entire sections in local tackle shops dedicated to them 6 years ago.
and I don't get your 2 speed rant.