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I was in the scouts for 2 or 3 years and this is literally the only thing I remember from that time.
>be a scout from ages 8~10 or something like that
>go on a hiking trip once, 3 days 2 nights. We're sleeping in an old house in the woods in the first night and camping the following
>don't remember the hike at all so it mustn't have been bad
>first night, everything is set up. We have dinner and then get ready to go to bed.
>House is huge, don't really remember what it was doing in the middle of the woods but it might have been some kind of shelter
>girls in room 1, boys in room 2, adults in room 3
>kids start making fun of me when I'm undressing because I wore pic related
>I have no reaction because I was weird and didn't react to anything when I was a kid (weird story, family doctor thought I was mentally deficient until I was like 11 or 12)
>just keep doing what I'm doing with that stupid neutral face of mine thinking nothing of it
>middle of the night, a kid says he's got a cool laser he stole from his cousin
>it's a laser pointer but instead of a red dot you see the form of a naked woman
>everyone's excited 'wooow that's so cool'
>I'm like 'ok' like always
>every single kid in the room starts fapping
>I do it too (always with that stupid neutral face)
>some kid decides he wants to bring a girl over
>goes to the other room
>tells girls we have something really cool in our room and they have to come and see
>pretty much all girls come to see
>we fap while they stand at the door looking at us
I don't remember what happened after that but I the next day I kissed a girl for the first time and then my mom arrived with her car and took me home crying because she said she couldn't sleep that night thinking of what might have been happening to me all alone in the woods
and as she picked me up I didn't think anything of it and kept looking at nowhere with that empty neutral face of mine. Fuck, I was so retarded, holy shit.