UPDATE: Terrible Netbook Photos Edition
Out of 190 images, only 16 were even discernible. I didn't even change the resolution. Evidently, the camera in the netbook really hates full sun. Seems that when the sun goes behind a hill it takes "better" pics:
>>1068898 I'll probably have a new dedicated camera by the end of this month. I already have $500 in loose change saved up.
All the vines are still growing, though their oldest leaves are dying and opening the area. The 1st crop of tomatoes are slowing down, but the next crop are just starting to ripen. All the brassica plants have been ripped out. This evening I'll be digging up more potatoes since the soil will be dryer now. I dug up a single volunteer potato hill yesterday and it had 7lbs of large, nicely-shaped, white potatoes (probably russet.) Tomatillos are producing so much I've not had time to harvest them.
The last of the yellow zucchini plants died during the last few days of torrential rains. I still have volunteer yellow crookneck decorative squash. I have more bags of dredged and frozen squash/zucchini than I know what to do with. I've been eating it every day now. I'm out of freezer space and I'll need to buy another upright freezer when I butcher the fowl. I'm still battling foxes. I've only been able to trap opossums and raccoons. So, I'll be switching to live bait using a small corral that only leads to a trap.
It is really nice having so much food from the farm that I haven't been to the store in over a month now. I'm well past the $5k mark on harvested stuff this year.