Quoted By:
>Out camping with some friends in Sonoran desert
>Get high and go for a hike on the mountain. Open desert brush towards the peak, but thick pine forest around the bottom 3/4 of the mountain
>Our sign to turn back is a barbed wire fence post to the right of a mossy green rock
>Stupidly go in jeans with little sun protection in 110 degrees
>Quickly get dehydrated and decide to turn back, friends continue on to hike further
>Turn left at the sign we pointed out on the way up
>Apparently there was another very similar landmark and I turned at the wrong one
>Quickly lose the trail and have no idea where I am
>High as fuck and my navigation skills are poor to begin with. No phone or way to navigate back, shout loud as I can but no response.
>Struggling to find any sign of the campground or even see a road in the distance due to tall thick vegetation
>Wander in a downward spiral down the mountain, got seriously close to passing out from dehydration a few times
>You don't know struggle until you have to wipe your ass when the biggest leaves around are the size of your thumbnail
>Somehow keep going despite dehydration and exhaustion
>Come across a massive ravine, almost fall to my death leaping over it to reach lower ground
>After about 8hrs of hiking, finally find a road
>Wave down an old boomer going fishing in a golf cart for directions, he's super friendly and offers to give me a ride back to my camp
>Friends just returned to base camp after looking for me, were moments away from driving back to civilization to call 911
>Thank god I had some wet wipes back at camp, have never gone /out/ without them since