>>1001675well it's really the only way to fall a tree if you don't want to make your life harder than it already is
the other way is to just cut straight through it and hope it fall where you want
there is another method i have seen used by some people which i think is terrifyingly wrong
make a notch and then cut all the way around the tree. instead of leaving a linear hinge you leave some round uncut wood in the middle and hope it doesn't barberchair
i went with an old guy and a friend to see some poplars to make boards out of (for the friend) and he started falling this 70cm poplar with very hard lean near a stream using this method, except he didn't even use a notch, he cut first at the front of the tree and then went all the way around it. he didn't barberchair the tree but the trunk split in half and then fell which seriously reduced the amount of boards you can get out of it. he blamed the chainsaw that was "too slow to cut enough wood in time"
i was like wtf this guy is supposed to be a logger
also many people here use the way i described (what you call swedish) but in a bit deranged way. the notch rarely is all the width of the tree, instead it's just a triangle where the pull of the tree is stronger, and they don't even care to make an accurate undercut, you see often a 5cm dutchman or up to 10cm on the big ones. their reasoning is "whatever we're in the woods so let it fall wherever it wants, the winch will pull it out"
i'm in serbia btw