Quoted By:
>Be me
>Go camping with church Boy Scouts
>Talk scrubscouts into believing snipe are not just real, (of course they are), but are catchable in bags
>Print off fake snipe hunting accounts from spoof website
>Teach them to yell "Coo-loo-coo-coo" while clacking two sticks together
>Tell them to listen for replies; follow replies;bag bird
>110% sold
>Night falls
>Assistant scout master and oldscouts go to "meetings"
>Secretly hide in woods on other side of camp's barbed wire fence
>Gonna be the Snipes; gonna screw with scrubscouts
>I stay back at camp
>Things go well; scrubscouts spend ~40 mins chasing snipe calls and looking foolish
>Assistant scout master gets sloppy; doesn't listen closely
>Scrubscouts step on him as he's hunkered down
>In full LARP mode ASM jumps up, hunched over and squatting, flapping his arms like a chicken
>ASM takes off chicken running through the dark forest squawking "cuhloo-cuhloo-cuhloo" in a full panic
>Scrubscouts give chase like a bunch of pigmy savages
>Campground comes alive at the ruckus
>Something is going full retard in the woods
>Bring up new Gen 1 NV set; just barely good enough to see the woods
>ASM comes flying over the barbed wire fence, still bent over, squawking and flapping
>Tells us the story as we die laughing
>Managed to lose savage scrubscouts on the way back
>Other oldscouts manage to regain scrubscouts attention and escape
>Scrubscouts spend another hour chasing shadows
>Scrubscouts return, telling us, with full conviction, about how they nearly caught the "Queen Snipe"
>Get to hear their POV of nearly catching a 3-foot-tall squawking menace
>Don't know if anyone ever told them the truth