Without throwing any insults, I would just like to point out somethings:
>Don't try to out gun knowledge the /k/ommando's
>The picture that the media has painted of the average gun owner is terribly inaccurate.
>An assault rifle is not the same as an "assault style" weapon.
>The rash of shootings over the past few years is truly a tragedy, and something does need to be done to stop it.
Attacking guns will not solve anything. It will only create a massive black market. Check the crime rates in the UK and Australia before and after gun control. Check Switzerland's crime rates, where gun ownership is actually required by law. Both conservatives and liberals need to see that there is more to this than guns. Maybe, just maybe the media is to blame. Hear me out. How many mentally diseased fellows have shot up public places over the past 20 years? How many of these killers where immortalized in the news?
"I hate life. I hate the world. I just want to kill myself. But I want people to know how much I suffer. Those kids at columbine.. everyone knows their names. I want everyone to remember me. I'll do the same thing."
I'm not saying that Sandy hook didn't deserve news coverage. I am saying that the five 24 hour news channels on cable didn't need to talk about it 20 hours per day for a month straight. Maybe we should hear about something good once and awhile on the news. About how someone helped a stranger. Or about how someone did something to better society.
Getting rid of guns won't solve anything. One day, maybe society will be ready to give up weapons. But, honestly, I don't think we will ever make it there. We are too animalistic.
This is coming from a law abiding, gun owning, liberal. I believe in green energy, gay rights, socialized medicine, and the bill of rights.
I respect the opinions of both sides of the debate, all I am asking, is that you look past the sensationalism, get off the band wagon, learn, and don't let them tell you what to think.