This summer my 3rd year into my new life.
First foot not happy, pain. But new better shoes ($$$), foot get better. As said, most shoe is prison for foot. Not all shoe is bad:
• most shoe is humiliation for foot.
• good boot is like mecha for foot.
• good slippers: ok for the asphalt city, for walking faster when your mind is tired/preoccupied.
Variation and experimentation.
1st summer barefoot: good learning, trial / error. Also growth, foot bottom got thick and strong, agility +1, strength +1.
Then winter came, must wear shoes again...
2nd summer barefoot: yay winter is over \o/. But: feet again soft like babies. Feet get strong surprisingly quickly, but they also get weak again quickly once you go back to shoes for winter.
So every summer you must begin practice from 0.
...well not exactly zero, some growth is subtle and endures.
My 2nd summer of no shoes, i also begin parkour. For almost 30 years i use shoes and hate most exercise, opting to spend my summers playing Nethack and oogling at anime loli. But then i discover /out/ism and happy to say: despite years of laziness, the human body is quick to recover/adapt/grow. Human is strong, have faith.
Also i try more holistic no-gearing... Turns out its difficult! If day is good, you eat well, warm, nice, clear mind / no worries... if all good, then is possible to sleep naked on forest floor. That only happens (to me) once or twice a summer, as i am stressful and weak still. My crazy friend do it more often, but on the flip side i have gotten to train my medic-skillz on him; he is too crazy. He gets more naked nature sleep than me, but also he takes more time to recover from his extreme craze. I sleep under tarp now 8 months a year, and mostly with quality ($$$) sleeping bags. Couple months all i need is blanket, when summer is best. But all naked?: maybe one or two nights in the year, max, so far. My crazy friend sleep out naked more, but also sleep in mom's bed by mom's tiddy more, to recover.