>>1036168Long commutes are overrated. Been there, done that.
I'm 5 miles from the office now. Not as far innawoods or out of town as I'd like to be, but i'm kind of on the edge of town. Still close enough to restaurants/groceries/etc, and 15 minutes is a "long" commute to work (although when traffic really backs up it can take up to 45 if i'm driving the truck).
Load the truck/trailer up and head into the mountains on weekends, or take a vacation day and go play.
I've got coworkers who have 90-minute one-way commutes. That's 3 hours, every day, not getting paid for it, and not really able to do anything else. A few of them carpool which i'm sure helps, but
>15 hours a week>60 hours a month>30 fucking DAYS a year>just driving to and from work>notevenonce.jpg