>>1049767>So no, if you paid the government for your property they can not kick you off because you have all of the legal documents to prove it is yours.Until the government wants it for whatever reason.
Oh, big multinational oil company wants to run a pipeline through it? Guess what? The government will seize the land without paying you anything, kick you off of it, and shoot you if you refuse to leave.
Oh, a big multinational tech/pharma firm wants to build an "eco friendly" office building on it so they can say they mow their grass with sheep? Guess what? The government will seize the land without paying you anything, kick you off of it, and shoot you if you refuse to leave.
Oh, a single endangered species decided to move in on that tree in your front yard? Guess what? The government will seize the land without paying you anything, kick you off of it, and shoot you if you refuse to leave.
Oh, you didn't pay some real or imagined tax regardless of whether it was intentional, an oversight, clerical error, computer fuckup, lost mail, or government corruption? Guess what? The government will seize the land without paying you anything, kick you off of it, and shoot you if you refuse to leave.