Feel free to post tobaccos (no weed allowed), pipes, collections, pics of favorite combos for going /out/, pics of what you're doing with your pipe and any questions you might have.
Want to get into smoking pipes without spending too much cash?
Get a Missouri Meerschaum Legend corncob pipe and a pouch of either Prince Albert, Carter Hall or Half and Half tobacco, available at most drugstores.
What you'll need: pipe, tobacco, lighter or matches, pipe cleaners, and either a regular old nail or a pipe tool (combination tamper, scoop, and small pick).
All of these together should run you less than $20.
Having trouble keeping your pipe lit? Pack it looser and smoke it slower than you think you need to, lightly tamping as needed when the smoke starts thinning out.
If you're still having trouble, try packing using the Frank Method, detailed here:
Part 1:
http://youtu.be/kJP0JaNRw6Q Part 2:
http://youtu.be/9U5QbtyNxhA Part 3:
http://youtu.be/OMtHOAiO8CI Old thread
>>1043009 Come on in and get comfy.
hello /out/ ive been a piper for a while, and ive decided to get into growing my own, where can i get seeds online? if anyone knows.
Pipe of the night Sultan-shaped meerschaum filled with Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture. Tin is still pretty new so it's still a little bit moist, but the initial harshness is starting to mellow into a full flavor with a spicy edge.
>>1050922 Pipe of the night for me
>fuck good photography practices, my shoulders hurt and I already took my pants off edition Savinelli rusticated churchwarden I've had for about a decade with a mostly full bag of stale Captain Black that I just bought.
Don't buy pipe tobacco from rural grocery stores folks, it's been there a while.
>>1050918 Lots of places. Just do a web search for tobacco seeds for sale.
Even If you're in NZ, there are seed websites available for you to buy and you can produce up to 25 kilos per year for personal use (no selling allowed).
You'll have to get them growing in germination trays for a few weeks and then transplant them after the last frost, but once that's done they're very easy to care for.
>caveat If you're in Austrailia, I'd advise you not to try.
The anti-smoking crusaders have dredged up and expanded a century old law that requires anyone wanting to grow tobacco there to get an Excise stamp to do it legally. It's a horrible enough permitting process that not even the big companies grow tobacco in-country. And if you get caught growing without one, the penalty for even growing one tobacco plant there is an $85,000AUS fine and/or prison time. All it would take is a phone call from a bitchy neighbor and your life is wrecked, so please be careful.
any recommendations for a good web site to order good quality pipe tobacco in the u.s.?
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>>1050942 Smokingpipes.com Pipesandcigars.com Both are reputable dealers with huge selections, good prices and fast shipping.
P&C had a bunch of trouble earlier this year thanks to moving to a new warehouse and moving to a new computer system, but the kinks have since been worked out and they're doing much better lately. The last order I placed got shipped out the next day and arrived within the week.
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>>1050932 Get a cheap humidifier and charge it with distilled water. Then throw the tobacco and humidifier into a ziplock bag and wait a day or so.
The tobacco will be much improved.
Want to start pipe smoking when I'm outdoors and whatnot. Is a churchwarden fine? I want the Gandalf aesthetic.
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
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>>1050984 As long as you are careful with it. Long stems are easier to break so keep that in mind when packing it.
What $70 worth of cobs looks like
>>1051204 Nice haul. I'd have gone for the grab bag if I wanted to get a lot of pipes, though. Most of the time the pipes are pretty good, just less than perfect
http://corncobpipe.com/10-pipe-grab-bag-of-smokable-seconds.html Anonymous
>>1051204 What $85 worth of new briar looks like:
And on a good day, if you get a good one and break it in JUST right, it almost smokes as well as a cob.
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>>1051207 Nice. I didn't know about that, I'll try to remember it next time.
>>1051233 $110 worth of estate goodness (pic related).
I love my briars but i find myself smoking cobs more and more. Trying new flavors of tobacco is just better in a cob.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Enjoying the meerschaum at the bar Found an old pocket book with tobacco quotes from 1969. I'm gonna post one with my posts from now on when I remember . Some of them may lose charm in translation but whatever>We all the know the joys of a good meal. And not to mention wine. But the purest joy lies with you. Nicotine! Thorkil Barfod
>>1050936 holy shit anon, thank you for the very in-depth response, gladly im a Marylander here, feel bad for ausfags though ill get into growing here soon enough then,
is it only in NZ that i cant sell or am i good to go with selling in other states?
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>>1051292 I made specific mention of Australia and NZ because they're the ones where people are most interested in growing their own stuff to escape the horrendous taxation down there. For them it's getting to be a necessity, but for the rest of us it's just a hobby.
Anyway, it's probably best that you don't sell your stuff at all until you really know what you're doing, though personal use, giving and trading it away are obviously fine.
Uncle Sam has his own taxes on tobacco sales, as do the various states, and they tend to frown on you selling your stuff without giving them their cut. Stiff fines are usually the name of the game if you get caught, so start out small, look to have fun and grow for YOU.
Also, check with your county's agricultural extension office. Chances are they'll have a lot of resources you can draw on (who does tobacco curing in the area, what are the best varieties to grow, what kind and how much fertilizer to use, etc) to plug you in and get good results quickly.
Also check for tobacco growing guides released by big university agricultural departments. Tobacco's still a big money industry, so research and effort is still being devoted to making it easy (and cost-effective) to grow the stuff in the major regions.
Pipe of the night Sasieni Sandhurst bulldog filled with Dunhill Flake. Been meaning to break this pipe out for a while but never quite got around to it for whatever reason until now. Honestly fear was a factor-sure it's a Sasieni, but what if it doesn't smoke well? Is it a special enough occasion? Finally I came to the realization that no occasion would be special enough if I didn't decide to do it, so I bit the bullet and lit it up tonight to break the ice because it WASN'T a holiday. The Dunhill Flake is tremendous and always recommended. Folded up and stuffed a half-flake at a time into the bowl, it is full-flavored yet slow-burning and never harsh. I love the stuff.
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>>1051674 And I needn't have worried about the pipe. It is magnificent.
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>>1051292 Here's a guide to help you get going with growing your own. You'll need to let the leaves dry out and cure before they're ready to smoke, but that's as simple as putting bundles of cut leaves (wrapped up with another leaf) into your shed for awhile to dry out. After that, just remove the main stem from the leaves, cut them up and smoke.
https://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/download.php?id=94 Anonymous
>>1050915 >no weed allowed Can I ask why? I don't smoke at all whatsoever but it seems strange to disallow something just as natural as marijuana than allow for tobacco which is toxic to the environment and others around you as well.
>>1051728 It's not about the substance itself, it's more about the user base. Weed culture is cancerous and it would take over this general.
Plus discussing it arguably violates a few global rules. If you want to discuss weed, make a general for it, I'm sure a few anons, including some from here would populate it.
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>>1051728 >natural as marijuana It's not the 70s anymore.
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>>1051731 I entirely forgot about that aspect. Thank you.
>>1051728 fuck off drug addict
>>1051728 How is natural tobacco more harmful than marijunana?
>>1051763 Industrial farming, with its heavy reliance on herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers and diesel is pretty bad for the environment.
>>1051767 So corn is more harmful than weed because it's farmed at a larger scale?
Made this cob a few dinners ago. It's a little difficult to pack properly but has a great draw.
>>1051771 You don't smoke corn you fucking retard. Burning shit and inhaling it straight into your lungs is different than eating it.
That said weed ain't much better than tobacco and anyone who tells you otherwise is also a fucking retard. Just look at all the shit that accumulates on a bowl after a week of smoking.
>>1051674 Where do you get the square tin? Mine is round. Also, cobs for 'Murica's birthday!
>>1051919 >weed ain't much better than tobacco AHHAHA sure thing gramps
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just go away with the weed stuff, please,
>>1051965 He's right though. Inhaling smoke from burnt ANYTHING his harmful, and for the most part all the carcinogenic shit found in tobacco smoke is also found in cigarette smoke.
There are arguments to be made for vaporizers, but those would also drastically reduce the harmful chemicals in tobacco as well.
Same deal with eating it.
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>>1051990 wow I fucked that up.
>for the most part all the carcinogenic shit found in tobacco smoke is also found in marijuana smoke There, fix'd
Do you guys favor straight stems or bent? Personally I like the bent aesthetic but I suppose that, as a beginner, it would be better to have a straight stem so that I can keep an eye on the bowl while puffing on it. Am I correct in thinking this, or am I just overthinking it?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1052145 i prefer bent, ive got 2 streight stems, a white-star and a meerschaum.
might be because i have shit depth perception, even with my glasses but i struggle with lighting streight stem pipes. no problem with bents. also i am more of a clencher then a holder.
>>1052145 For me, bent. I smoke it while i'm working sometimes and bent feels a bit easier on my back teeth when i've got both hands in an engine.
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>>1051953 Got it from P&C. I think it's the older flake tin design since I know Dunhill currently uses round tins for flake.
>>1052145 Straight stems for me, but I also prefer smaller bowls over bigger ones too.
Just ordered some Dunhill Nightcap. Been a long time since I smoked a pipe.
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
>>1052226 Yeah I am looking at getting back into it as well. Ordered a Missouri meerschaum cobbit shire and a 4 pack of their bacc. Should be here by the 7th I will have to post a pic when it gets in. I was thinking about getting some flake but I have never had it before and am not sure how to use it.
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>>1052241 >not sure how to use it select a piece and rub it between your hands until you're satisfied with the size of the pieces. a lot of times i'll break the flake into a few pieces first and then rub it out. or you can rub it out into long strands and then roll them up loosely into a ball to stuff in your pipe. or you can simply fold the flake and stuff it into your pipe. you've got many options
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>>1050922 I'll be having some Elizabethan tonight.
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>>1052241 Flakes are actually pretty easy to live with, since it basically forces you to smoke it properly.
The big thing to remember is it's compressed tobacco, so it's harder to get lit and you need to use less tobacco than you think you will. It naturally smokes slower too.
For non-aromatic flakes in most average size pipe bowls, I'll tear a flake in half and then fold that half flake in half and stuff it into the bowl. For more aromatic flakes (Erinmore, lots of Mac Baren flakes), I'll rub it out between my palms then ball it up and do a reverse fill on my pipe (put pipe bowl over the tobacco and then roll it around my hand until it's all in there). Both fills will produce a smoke that lasts the better part of an hour, and neither needs to be tamped much.
For those who need to see for themselves what a reverse fill looks like, here's a video:
https://youtu.be/0XHYPso7TXs Anonymous
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I just flipped my P&C calender over to July and saw Missouri Meerschaum is 15% off this month. I just bought $70 worh of cobs last week. Damnit
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Pipe of the night Missouri Meerschaum Mark Twain filled with Missouri Meerschaum's Independence Day Blend. Had to make sure I was smoking American enough on the Fourth of July.
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>>1052150 >>1052151 Thanks for the good friendly answers. This is probably one of the best general threads on /out/ right now. Keep up the good work!
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Just for a Laugh I tried fitting my churchwarden stem to a MM legend using some electrical tape just to see how much wider it would need to be to fit Now this may be retarded. But. Would having the electrical tape there actually be a problem? The heat would probably not be good. Maybe a thin strip of jute?
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>>1052145 Gentle bends for me. I also like long stems and fairly skinny (and thus lightweight) bowls. Allows me to clench the pipe and keep the smoke well away from my eyes and they tend to smoke cooler.
>>1052633 I'd think at the very least as it got hot it would give some pretty shit tastes, and potentially be poisonous.
Use silicone plumber's tape to snug up the fit. It's temp-stable to way hotter than a pipe can get.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1052637 yea i´m probably being too stupid even for thinking of smoking it with the tape ...
>>1052651 Would be surprised if smoking it one time will damage your health more than eating a pound of bacon.
If you're actually interested in how it smokes I would listen to the other anon and get plumber's tape, the taste will probably be terrible.
>>1052633 you know if you're serious about a cob warden Mads, you could just buy one of these:
http://oldlogcabinpipeworks.com/2013-churchwarden-8-0/ Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1052709 >>1052762 yea, buying a new stem would probably be the best, or just ordering one of the cobs with churchwarden stems from MM, anyone have any experience buying straight from MM to out of the US?
>>1050915 I lost my pipe tool and can't find one for cheap anywhere. Anybody know where I can find one?
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>>1052811 an old nail from your garage
>>1052854 fuck man, forgot my pipe tool at home once, ONCE. using your finger THAT SHIT HURTS, are your hands made of asbestos or something?
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>>1052811 Lots of places.
The big boy pipe retailers, eBay, alibaba, a local pipe shop if you have one.
Plain old nails or screws work just fine in a pinch too and chances are you already have a few of those lying around somewhere.
>>1052854 My pipe bowls are usually too small to fit my thumb into. My pinky yes, but not my thumb.
That said
>getting second degree burns on the tip of your pinky No thank you.
Just pick up a nail in the parking lot of a hardware store and throw it into the bag with your pipe and tobacco. Problem solved, and for free.
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Pipe of the Night Butz-Choquin full bent filled with Elizabethan The Elizabethan has settled down and is wonderful now.
Just got off work, so i'm kicked back enjoying some Half and Half in a MM Huck Finn.
>>1053192 Is that a rubber stem protector on your pipe? would you recommend those?
I have a pipe that I had to cut the button off due to damage, and was thinking I could use one of those as a replacement.
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>>1052862 >are your hands made of asbestos or something? Not him but I worked a commercial kitchen all through high school then have worked manual labor the rest of my 18 years of adulthood. I don't have huge, built-up calluses but what I do have is hard as rock and I've probably damaged or outright killed the nerve endings under them.
I can pull foil-wrapped baked potatoes out of the oven by hand, I can splash myself with boiling water without raising blisters (still hurts, but not excruciatingly so), and the callus at the base of my right middle finger stopped a nail from a pneumatic nailer at contact distance last week.
I can tamp my pipe with the tip of my index finger (thumb's too big for my pipe) without it even being uncomfortable.
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>>1053218 It is. I use it to protect the stem (even on my cheap cobs), but mostly because it makes the pipe more comfortable to clench in my teeth. You can get a 2 pack on
smokingpipes.com for $.99.
Regarding using them as a replacement for the button, that i'm not so sure of.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Kinda odd having your pipes on the dashboard of your van but it looks cool I guess
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1053296 >>1053326 >>1053356 Congrats on getting a van, Mads.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1053407 not my van, passed it on the way to the bus to the forest
I recently bought a used pipe from a friend but it tastes like burnt rubber. Is . there anyway to get rid of the taste, I tried using pipe cleaners to clear out the resin but that did nothing.
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>>1053595 Theres a trick involving filling the bowl with salt and a bit of alcohol and letting it stay like that overnight. That will suck some of ghosting gunk out of the wood. But just give it an even more thorough cleaning first.
Dip your cleaners in alcohol too, you can easily have to use 20+ to get it ready for smoking.
Wanted to enjoy a smoke in a nice chill spot... Pipe is a Rossi Vittoria and I'm smoking moontrance by CAO.
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>>1053595 That "burnt rubber" taste is from old tar (unburnt oils from the tobacco) that has built up inside the pipe and gone rancid. You'll need to clean it out.
Here's what you'll need:
Two packs of pipe cleaners-one plain, the other with small nylon bristles in it.
One small bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol
One "magic eraser" pad, available at Walmart
paper towels
A small pocket knife
Dip the pipe cleaners in the isopropyl alcohol then run them through the mouthpiece-nylon bristled ones first, then plain as the nylon ones start coming out almost clean. Be sure to scrub the inside corners of the mouthpiece, as chunks of tar tend to accumulate there. When a plain pipe cleaner comes out clean, you're done with the inside.
With an alcohol soaked paper towel, clean the tenon of the mouthpiece to prevent it from sticking in the pipe stem.
Now use alcohol-soaked pipe cleaners on the pipe stem itself. Same sequence as before, nylon bristle then plain. For wider pipe airways, you might need to fold your pipe cleaners in half and work them that way. Once again, when pipe cleaners are clean after going through the pipe, you're done with the stem.
Next, cut back any ash cake in the bowl with your small pocket knife. Just remember to go slow and work al the way around the pipe bo to keep things symmetrical
To clean up the outside of the pipe, wet some paper towels with water and rub away the grime.
To remove any oxidation from a mouthpiece, get your magic eraser damp with warm water and then start rubbing away.
I still have to sand this a bit finer and wax it. Smokes alright though. Bowl is apple, stem is a black walnut branch.
So while waiting for my wife's truck to get done with its scheduled maintenance I went for a bit of a walk today. Found what appeared to be an extremely ghetto smoke shop set up in an old trailer, but I was bored and it was hot and they had like 9 window unit A/C's so I went in. WHAT A FUCKING GEM. I scored a Missouri Meerschaum mini for $0.99, a 2oz bag of Half and Half for under $5, and a very old but still sealed and very good-smelling tin of Dunhill Nightcap for a quarter. They have like 15 different brands and nearly 45 different flavors of pipe tobacco and a fair selection of low to mid-priced pipes, including most of the MM lineup. Also, for being half the size of my favorite crankbait that mini MM smokes surprisingly well.
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Tonight's smoke is some "No. 4" from my local shop in a MM Country Gentleman.
>>1053797 >that mini MM smokes surprisingly well. Yep. MM cobs are hands down the best deal going in pipes right now.
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>>1054124 I mean, I've got a couple of their full-sized cobs, but I wasn't expecting something this small to smoke as cool as it does. It also had a big fucking burr at the joint between the bowl and stem, I was expecting that to flare up as it burned off, and it didn't.
The stem and bit do condense a lot of moisture though. Not that it's a huge issue, thing's so tiny you literally cannot smoke it fast, you'll burn your damn hand.
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>>1053668 >>1054263 What's so bad my dudes
>>1053595 check out this article and try one of the methods. personally, i pack the bowl with cotton balls after reaming it fill it with rubbing alcohol. also, i use a couple of q-tips to plug up the shank. i'll set it somewhere and check on it every couple of hours if i'm able to. i'll change the cotton balls and q-tips each time if they need it (which they do more in the beginning then by the end). typically the process takes about a 24 hours for a regular pipe and twice that for a stubborn one.
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>>1053786 That looks awesome. Congrats
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
Tonight I am having Missouri Meerschaum American Patriot out of my MM Cobbit Shire that just came in today. It is smoking wonderfully.
>>1054391 What's that tobacco taste like?
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
>>1054412 Not bad but sadly kinda bland for what I like. I prefer a deep dark sweet blend but this is more of a natural light flavor.
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
>>1054420 >>1054412 Ok so when I had posted that I had tried the American Patriot and Missouri Pride. Then I found the one that I smelled when I opened the box Great Dane. A little sticky with a powerful scent, still a bit lighter than what I normally go for but still smooth and sweet. It has that classic smoke shop taste but with out the full punch that the better brands have.
Not sure if it is the baccy or the long stem but none have had more than a faint bite.
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>>1054433 Long stems do a good job mitigating the bite.
One of the reasons I dearly love churchwardens.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1053786 Looking very neat dude! thanks for posting!
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
Oh found this at the bottom of the box. $100 off any case of wine priced $160 or more, delivery included.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1054454 it's a scam type thing where they try to get you to sign up for a monthly case of wine. It's not great wine either.
>>1054452 I've thrown dozens of these away in the past 2 years or so
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
>>1054459 >>1054454 Yep just to the page and no meads and a ton of chink chicken scratches so in the trash it goes.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1054481 It's like a magazine subscription, but instead of getting a magazine, you get cheap wines at cheap prices. They sell you the first one at a loss so you become subscribed and then they take 100+ dollars out of your bank account every month and send you wine,
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1054484 but why is this in the pipe thread?
>no weed wow what a gay fucking thread
>>1054487 seems faggoty enough to me
>>1054487 because they pay company's to put their shitty vouchers in packages, I think I've even found them in amazon boxes. he found one in his order from Missouri Meerschaum.
>>1054491 Fuck off stoner, shouldn't you be busy failing out of school?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1054496 >put their shitty vouchers in packages like, in the tobacco tins? that sounds horrible? never seen anything like that before
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>>1054504 They throw it in the shipping box with all your stuff from wherever.
Gotten those a few times. Not really a scam, just not as great an offer as you want it to be.
Now, if it was a whiskey voucher...
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>>1052780 No but there is probably a phone number on the 'contact us' page of their site where you could ask a representative on their international shipping procedures.
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>>1054504 P&C puts them on every box they ship out, I've gotten one in every box from them that i have recieved over the past 2 years. I looked into it the first time i got one and said 'nope'. In the trash they go. Maybe i should save them and sell em to some alchoholic for 10 bucks a pop...heh
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Why do I see pipe smokers who swallow a bunch while talking and make other audible mouth noises? Is it just dry throat caused from pipe smoking or do they make excess saliva for some reason?
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Why do I see pipe smokers who swallow a bunch while talking and make other audible mouth noises? Is it just dry throat caused from pipe smoking or do they make excess saliva for some reason?
I think i'm beginning to like my cobs more than my briars. Smoking some Stokkebye's Luxury Navy Flake in a MM Mark Twain tonight.
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>>1054725 A good cob smokes WAY above its price point. They're easily the match of a briar that's 10x the price.
I've related this before, but the one briar pipe I've bought new was a BC. I bought it for $85 with some winnings from Vegas, and when I went to smoke it the first few times I was disappointed; it didn't smoke as well as the drugstore cobs I thought were trash.
Looks-wise it has them all beat and with use it has gotten better, but it still lags behind a sub-$10 cob when it's time to light up.
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I bought two tins of MB Navy Flake today. I dont know if its because I havent smoked anything besides a non-armoatic virginia/burley/cavendish blend for a couple of weeks now and Im comparing the two blends that actually are very similar, but the Navy Flake constantly feels like a mild whiff of perfume in my mouth. Like a fruity/florally soap flavour. Is that just because im not used to aromatics? Even mild aromatics such as the navy flake?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
> pipe smoking is and will always be individual. The man whose tobacco is wet and gurgles but likes it that way shall have it like that. H. Dan-Christensen
>lost my cob today when fishing >it's somewhere in 1200 yards of tall grass I walked through to go fishing and then back to my car Goddammit Hold me, /pipegen/
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1055350 It will be forever outside and return to the nature we all come from. A noble end really
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1055379 That looks like the place every modern metal music video is shot at.
frog morton's cellar is excellent.
>>1054985 do you clip your fingernails with a chainsaw? let them grow out a little.
>>1050915 I just cut cigars into my pipe.
>>1055456 FMC was the second blend I ever tried, and it blew me away, but I believe it's supposed to be going away with the new FDA regulations if I remember correctly.
>>1055472 it's actually my third. i've been smoking prince albert for the past couple weeks, and ordered the frog morton's cellar and a bag of lane 1-q.
what's up with the FDA stuff? am i smoking lead? or are you a FMC sales rep trying to get me to stock up now.
>>1055475 I haven't tried Prince Albert yet, but I did like the bowl of Lanw 1-Q I had. I've kind of been going down the "bulk best-seller's" list on
smokingpipes.com trying new stuff.
Here's an article abput the FDA situation.
http://pipesmagazine.com/blog/tobacco-policies-legislation/new-fda-regulations-how-do-they-impact-the-pipe-world/ Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1055419 It does. Yea
>>1055456 >do you clip your fingernails with a chainsaw? No. I obsessively bite them like the degenerate I am
Took my first attempt at restoring estate pipes. They're not perfect but I'm happy with how they turned out, especially since I had very few of the proper tools.
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>>1056178 Looks good.
You can get polishing wheels that you can attach to any old drill. They shouldnt cost too much. Then just get some polishing compound and carnauba wax and those pipes will be shining again.
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>>1055950 >No. I obsessively bite them like the degenerate I am Anonymous
Finally got around to polishing this. I wish I had some better sandpaper, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
>>1055466 Unless your cigars are cheap, you'd be better off with actual pipe tobacco purely from a price standpoint. An average cigar is 10g or so, while a pouch or tin of pipe tobacco has 1.5 oz or more in it, around 4 cigars worth. There are some blends that have cigar tobacco in them, and some cigar companies sell tins of pipe tobacco too.
>>1055501 Oh boy, more government regulations that don't help anything.
Pipe of the Night WWII-era KBB Monterey rustic pipe filled with Dunhill Flake. In WWII, all briar for pipe production was in the hands of the Axis powers as of the Nazi conquest of France. Given this state of affairs, American pipe makers had to turn to domestic materials. One was Manzanita. Native to California, it is from the same family as briar and has the same fire-resistant properties. KBB (parent company of Kaywoodie) started harvesting it for pipe production as of 1941, branding it as "Mission Briar" and selling it under the Monterey brand name for the remainder of WWII It's an interesting historical curiosity, and the workmanship is from KBB's classic era, with top-notch fit and finish and easy smoking.
>>1056255 That pipe just keeps getting prettier the more you work on it.
>>1056280 Thanks. I've got a few more pieces of apple wood that dried too nicely to use for cooking, so I'll try to make a few more. The one in this pic might not be suitable thanks to a couple knots in the wrong places, but I'll try for a shallower bowl and hope for the best.
>>1056297 Did some planning and this might be the best layout for this piece.
>>1056328 Or I could do it like this and have a sloped chamber. Thoughts?
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>>1056331 Just thought about doing a V-shape in the top of the bowl too.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1056331 my vote is on this
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>>1056331 Vote for this too.
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>>1056178 that bent bulldog is looking real nice!
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Just found this WDC Wellington at Goodwill (thrift store) for $5. Needs a thorough cleaning but looks to be in good shape otherwise.
>>1056694 how do you plan on cleaning the lid?
>>1056694 Its a system pipe. The tiny chamber is for collecting moisture, so the pipe wont gurgle.
>>1056699 I've got some shitty toothbrushes I can use to scrub it.
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>>1056703 thats the spirit!
>>1056694 It's a copy of the Peterson design. The one hole that goes straight down into wood is a "well" or sump that collects moisture, while the other one is the actual draw hole.
The way the pipe works is the tapered mouthpiece seals the air passageway tightly, and the draw hole is located above the end of the mouthpiece. When you puff, the smoke is light enough to make it around the curved air path, but moisture is too heavy, so it collects on the mouthpiece and drips into the well.
You'll want to clean both holes completely since they can get NASTY.
When I restored my old Pete a few threads back, the actual cleaning of the system drillings in the pipe took the longest because tar gets deposited EVERYWHERE-the outside of the mouthpiece, inside the mouthpiece, draw hole, well, and inside the stem.
Once it's clean it's not hard to keep clean, but getting it there the first time after it's been neglected is not fun.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1056700 >>1056762 my Comoy Oom Paul is the gurgliest pipe ive ever owned and its got the same kind of configuration with the sump and the draw hole, interesting
>>1056771 Maybe youre breathing down the stem too much.
It should atleast catch the moisture from the tobacco.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1056773 never used to be a wet smoker, think it might just be the bigger chamber throwing me off
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Cleaned it with just a toothbrush and plain water for now. Looks like it was barely smoked. Smells mostly like old musty wood, no tobacco smell at all.
Amazing what a better camera and the bare minimum of cleaning can do.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1056771 Could be
>>1056773 , could be lots of things. My Pete doesn't do that (much), but my BC does.
I think it's something to do with the full bent design-it's HARD to get the draw hole lined up just right with the very bottom of the bowl. Nicking the bottom corner is much easier, so that's what most of them do. But if the draw hole is too high, the pipe can gurgle as moisture builds up from the bottom of the bowl to the lower edge of the hole.
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>>1056811 a true /g/entleman
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>>1051261 based, I support this.
Found this old thing in my house, reckon it belonged to my grandfather, you guys think it's good for someone just starting to smoke pipe? I only smoke cigarettes given that pipe tobacco is hard to come by where I live, but I'm willing to make it a habit.
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>>1056998 also, sorry for the image size and quality, I'm shit with computers
>>1056998 Should work ok to start with.
Just be sure to get some pipe cleaners that can swab that thing out.
The only thing you want to do differently setup-wise is to turn the bowl right side up before trying to fill and smoke it.
After that, all the usual advice applies-fill the bowl with less tobacco than you think you need to, smoke slower than you think you need to, and don't inhale.
Enjoy, and let us know how it works out. We're pretty helpful around here.
>>1057012 >We're pretty helpful around here So I noticed, thanks based anon, will give it a try and try to keep you guys up to date
Decided to take a pic of my collection. Top two were my great grandpa's, haven't cleaned and smoked the briar yet.
>>1057014 You might want to give it a good cleaning and grab a cheap corncob pipe so you can let that one rest. I don't see why you wouldn't find them along with pipe cleaners and pipe tobacco.
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>>1057041 noted, will see to getting it all this week
gotta say thanks to all who helped me with my questions in the last thread and this thread about getting started. i've been thoroughly enjoying the pipe thing, and the tobacco thing, for a few weeks now.
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>>1057086 To build on this anon: I've been smoking a pipe for the last 10 years or so. I have learned so much about what I've been doing wrong since i found this thread a few months ago. You guys have introduced me to new pipes, tobacco, and methods that have helped me to completely enjoy my 'habit'. Thanks you guys!
>>1056256 Interesting piece of history there.
I envy you a little, you seem to be smoking a new blend every night. How many tins do you currently have opened?
How does everyone here transport their pipes and tobacco when out? I have just been looking at some beautiful leather pipe rolls.
>>1057538 I keep it in this old pouch that I once used for fishing reels, whenever I go fishing. Otherwise I just put the pipe in a jacket pocket.
The pipe pouches/rolls Ive looked at all seem ridiculously overpriced..
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1057538 old sunglasses pouch, or pocket. tobacco in either jar or pouch/tin
>>1057563 is it better to keep the tobacco in a mason jar or something after opening the tin?
should i move my bulk tobacco from the bag it came in to a mason jar?
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>>1057588 It depends. I just use that jar because its small enough to carry with me.
If the tobacco is too moist, keep it in the tin and it will dry slowly, but once the moisture level is right, you should put it in a jar.
>>1057207 7 or 8, I think.
Some are almost gone, like the Dunhill Flake. Others are just opened up, and a few are mostly kept jarred and only smoked rarely.
>>1057538 Put all my stuff-pipe, tobacco, tamper and lighter-into a ziplock bag like pic related.
>>1057623 And I forgot the picture
>>1057041 Walk me through the making of your apple pipe? It's very pretty.
I'm very interested in making one, but I want it to be pretty and don't have much access to power tools. Tips?
>>1057563 Nice I like you sack! I might make one to stop me dropping £100 and some leather POS.
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>>1057623 >>1057625 gods bless you ziploc-bag anon
what about the calabash since its draw hole is in the middle of the bowel?
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>>1057846 The gourd calabashes draw wonderfully.
Mostly because the bowl is a separate piece of meerschaum and the inside of the gourd is one big air cavity. So they can put the draw hole in the exact right spot and make it big enough to optimize the draw and burn characteristics; there's no need to compromise.
Their big downside is cost. Even used, you can almost never get them cheap.
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>>1057674 It's literally just an old pair of jeans made into a pouch. Im sure you could make something fancier if you wanted to.
It seems a little hard to justify spending that much money on something that simple. It's basically like the construction of a fanny pack, but it costs 10 times as much because its a niche item.
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>>1057636 Thanks. It wasn't too difficult, and there are a few things I'll do differently with the next one, so here's what to do. The only power tool I used was a drill, but you could use a manual drill if you wanted.
Get a nice smallish piece of wood for the bowl, make sure it's dry and crack-free. This one was maybe 2.5-3 inches in diameter from a branch that fell off an apple tree in the back yard.
Plan out the layout and design you want. Drill the draw hole, then the mortise, then the chamber. I didn't have any specialized bits for the chamber, so I just used the same bit I used for the mortise and enlarged it with a knife.
Once you have the holes drilled, you can use a saw to carefully cut off the excess wood and shape it however you want. I just used a knife for most of it.
For the stem you could take one from a Missouri Meerschaum or something, but I took a twig from a black walnut tree, then reamed out the soft pith with a thin piece of flexible steel. Took way too long, and I'll try and drill and steam bend the next one I make.
Other than that it's just sanding, optionally staining it, then polishing it with carnauba wax.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Leaving for Sweden tomorrow. Hope the fish will bite and the blueberries are ripe Enjoying the least fancy martini I've ever made. And gonna have a bowl of Orlik golden sliced after
>>1058505 Sorry I don't think you will find blueberries just yet.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1058513 i know i´m early, but a guy can dream
Enjoying some Cult Blood Red Moon in a Ropp Etudiant pipe on yet another hot West TN afternoon. This pipe is perfect for piping on the go considering how small it is, but it still smokes like a champ, and it doesn't break the bank either!
>>1058530 How do you like BRM?
I like a good cherry blend, and am looking to try something new.
So far I've had Captain Black cherry (meh), Paladin (hated it) and Casey Jones Last Ride (my fave of the three).
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>>1058561 It's probably my favorite aromatic so far. I also catch hints of chocolate along with the cherry, so that's just a nice little bonus to the blend. The only thing that sucks is I typically order all my stuff from
smokingpipes.com , and the Cult blends typically sell out very fast on there.
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
How do y'all fill your pipes? I fill mine to the top loosely then use the punch on my pipe tool to pack it down a bit then smooth off the top.
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>>1058750 >fill to top loosely >shake to settle tobacco >top off as needed >light Easy and works every time.
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I've got some plans to build a hookah out of an ammo can, so you can collapse it and store everything inside it for transport. If I'm able to make one light enough and doing a base camp sort of venture or motorcycle camping, that'll be pleasant.
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Pipe of the night. MM Twain with War Horse. The WH is getting dry-the flavor is going. I'm going to take my own advice and bag it up after this bowl.
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>>1056762 >Gravity drain-trap prevents any nicotine reaching the mouth Anonymous
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>>1058750 By feel since different cuts and blends can pack differently. I layer it using the three layer method (though sometimes I just need more or fewer layers depending on the pipe and tobacco) and test the draw multiple times. Good rule of thumb is to use less tobacco then you think you need since people tend to overpack a pipe.
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So I picked up a carve-it-yourself pipe at a trade show today. Holy FUCK briar is hard to whittle. I have a fairly sharp EDC knife with me and I can't really cet more than dust off of it. Gonna have to wait til I get home. Honestly I'm debating whether it'll be faster to do it with my good carving knives or a wood rasp. It's that hard.
Got all these pipes and stuff in the mail today. Cost me 110kr / 17 dollars on an online auction. Most of them are from danish brands (Georg Jensen, White Star, Kriswill, Partner, Stanwell), but the best kept piece is in this little red pouch that says John Peel. According to Pipedia John Peel is a sub brand of Barling (which I hadnt heard of either), so if any of you knows something about this brand, Im very interested to hear it.
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>>1059720 This is it. Apple shape I guess and the bowl is clad with meerschaum.
>>1059720 They're a Barling "seconds" brand.
Barling would get the briar, and anything found to have any sand pits or flaws once they got the pipe shaped would be labeled with the seconds brand name and sold to pipe shops as a mid-grade brand.
Lots of famous brands have them, and some (Comoy and Sasieni especially) would sell theirs to different pipe shops as house brands under dozens of different names.
>>1059770 Oh I know that much. I was wondering if there's any way to date a pipe like this. All it says on the pipe is "Imported briar", Im just assuming it's a John Peel because of the pouch.
Speaking of Sasieni, Im right now fixing up this Mayfair that was in the lot too.
>>1059778 If your Sasieni is anything like mine, you'll enjoy it a lot
For the "JP" I'd trust markings on the actual pipe more than just the bag. Often people lose or misplace stuff, or throw one pipe into another bag. John Peel was a big pipe store in London; their house brand pipes should be marked.
As for when it was made, there's really no way to know. If I had to guess, I'd say mid 1960s to early 70s, as that's when you start seeing lots of makers have lots of excess inventory and just dumping things to try and keep their plants running. Here's a story about Rossi doing just that with Brewster pipes. It's entertaining and a little mind-boggling.
https://rebornpipes.com/tag/brewster-pipes/ Anonymous
Why is this thread here, what relevance does it have to /out/ing? if this is okay can we also have threads about headphones, guns, musical instruments, alcohol, painting etc?
>>1059968 >oh look, it's this post again >time for this answer again Thanks to near-universal indoor smoking bans, pipe smoking is an /out/ activity by default.
That's why we're here.
>>1059970 haha near universal... might seem that way to an america-centric untraveled idiot but theres a fuckload of countries where people still smoke in bars, restaurants etc and besides, every smoker smokes either in their home or out the back door (no, thats doesn't count as 'outdoors')
>>1059971 I remember Spain, 15 years ago. Some ladies smoking at the airport, under a No fumar sign.
Staying on-topic, have never smoked except when drunk. Intrigued by pipes because of the sheer experience of it all. Like an ever-playing Grant Green track. But, having never smoked, is it worth it to start onnatrail/innawoods?
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>>1057538 Neon green D.A.R.E. phanny pack with all of my drugs.
>>1059984 if you like constantly relighting it, trying to pack it properly and failing and jaw cancer for no reason other than some autistic fedora level 'style' then go right ahead... i swear pipes/cigars for millenials are 2017s trenchcoat and katana
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>>1059998 >stop liking what I don't like Anonymous
>>1057538 My travel pipe is a MM mini. I just throw it in my left front pants pocket, it's too small to be easily broken and was only 99 cents.
I carry pouch tobacco in my left back pocket, it's about the same size and shape as a checkbook so it's pretty comfy.
>tfw got pickpocketed last week ( >pickpocket only got a half empty bag of half & half Was mad for about 5 seconds then broke out laughing
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>>1060004 Didn't he know all he had to do was ask for some to fill his pipe?
People these days...
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Who talked me in to rehydrating my nightcap and just not fucking with it? I listened and it's almost better than before, somehow. I'm rediscovering this blend all over again, forgot how much I was liking it. Thank you based piper. Trying to decide which dunhill tins I like best so I can stock up on a few varieties before they close down. I'm not a dunhill fan boy who thinks they're the only game in town, but they do have really good blends. Hopefully someone takes over the recipes.
>>1059984 That depends on you.
You certainly don't have to start if you don't want to, but if you do, there's a setup in the OP that will get you going for less than $20.
The nice thing about a pipe is that
>>1060032 > The nice thing about a pipe is that You didn't even
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>>1059951 You dont think theres any chance that some of the JP wasnt marked?
In that case it could be anything, but it is a special piece. Obviously a "second" as one of the sides is heavy on fillings.
My original plan was to refurbish and sell most of them, but theyre very tempting to keep!
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>>1060046 No I didn't, and for that I'm very sorry.
>>1056762 >gravity drain-tap prevents nicotine from reaching the mouth Then what is the fucking point?
>>1056762 Half of these points don't even make sense
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>>1060127 No, not nicotine. That's "idiot sales-guy ad copy writing" on display. There's still nicotine in the smoke.
More like "accumulated swamp-ass-flavored water" from your breath and the tobacco. But that doesn't make for good ad copy.
But to answer your question, the point of pipe smoking is primarily the flavor, not addiction. That's why people don't inhale the smoke, and why pipe smokers generally don't have heroin-tier nicotine cravings when they stop for a few days.
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>>1060136 The old term for built up moisture in a pipe was "nicotine", even though it isn't.
So when they were trying to sell pipes 100 years ago, guess what term they used?
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>>1050915 First time on /out/. I'm a /lit/izen who loves hiking and tobacco pipes. I love that you guys have these threads regularly. Very cool.
>>1059720 Here's the first restored pipe: A Stanwell 140.
Had to sand off a couple of millimeters from the top to get it even. The original owner apparantly had a tendency to smash the top of the bowl into the ground to empty it after smoking. Its something I will have to do to pretty much all of them. But Im pretty happy about how it turned out.
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>>1060455 That looks great.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Fishing trip went well There were lots of fish and blueberries but you could taste that they having had the best growing season Found some penny bun mushrooms, they were delicious But now I'm out of OGS
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1059720 what kind of KR? no way in hell you got all that for 110 DKK? gotta be SEK. if you got that haul for 110 DKK CONgraTUfuckingLATIONS! dude!
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1060788 no SEK, meant NOK
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1060788 >>1060789 fuck, i dont know money
>>1060788 DKKR Madsen. Thanks, I was pretty lucky I think.
If theres any you like, Im willing to part with them very very cheap, i dont need an extra 18 pipes to smoke out off...
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>>1060788 >>1061030 This is the next pipe Im working on.
I believe its a Prince Regent, Orlik sub brand. Great companion when going to bars, you know...
>>1050915 >get a poofter ass brand name corn cob pipe FUCK OFF OP. true /out/sman herb is WEED deal with it
tobacco gives headache heartake stroke and that high blood pressure
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>>1061128 fug it I'll take the bait.
if you are just gonna vape, then nicotine is perfectly safe, it wont give the negative effects you describe
on the other hand if your gonna smoke weed vs smokeing pipe, and you think the weed isn't giving you negative side effects at all your an idiot, any smoke is carcinogenic, so shove it up your ass boyo.
>>1061128 i just a bong because i cant get high with that vape shit and it tastes bad, need the full terps and chemical profiles - i use magnifying glass
only gay part is getting swarmed by bees, i think they attracted to the smoke scents
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>>1061188 >even bees hate potheads nature is beautiful
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Took a break from drinking and smoking at home to go drink and smoke at the bar. I always feel guilty for not being outside in theese borderline blog posts. I should stop
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1061600 Could be worse.
This could be a knife thread.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1055379 Where do you live that you can smoke indoors?
From someone who's completely new to this is there any risk to smoking an old used pipe? My grandfather used to smoke one every now and then and I still have his pipe and I was just wondering if I cleaned it out if it would be alright to use.
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>>1061699 It'll be fine.
I have lots of pipes that I smoke that were previously owned.
Clean them out well and they'll serve you just as well as they served him.
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>>1061699 All my pipes are estate pipes (used). There might be a slight weird smell/taste in it to begin with if it hasnt been used for many years, but it'll go away eventually.
All they need is a good cleaning inside and a polishing outside and they will be as good as new.
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>>1061699 not unless your grandpa smoked asbestos-infused tobacco
Had a good walk-and-smoke tonight. A bit of Nightcap after ignoring it for a while. A couple more relights than I prefer but still a good bowl. Question: In tobacco reviews and such I see people talking about a tobacco smoking down to 'clean white ash'. I never ever get this. Usually what will happen is I get down to the last 1/5ish of the bowl, lots of dottle, and it starts tasting ashy and burnt. Gross. So I grab a couple more puffs to be sure and then scrape the bowl. But still, good bit of dottle, not 'clean ash'. In fact theres still a few little bits of untouched tobacco. What's happening? This is with a fairly loose pack that I wind up tamping a couple times. Do I need to pack tighter? Too much air? I started packing looser because I wasn't able to finish most pipes due to time constraints or just being 'done', wanting to go to bed etc.
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>>1061869 With the right tobacco, the right pipe and the right pace of smoking that does happen to me sometimes.
I think it depends on how moist the smoke was, if the bottom tobacco gets moist to a certain point then it wont burn, and thats when you get that sour tasting dottle, in my experience at least.
But yea, more often than not I throw away about a fifth of the tobacco as well.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1061698 Denmark. Some bars still allow it.
Here's the finished Prince Regent (Orlik) sitter pipe. This one turned out nice, but there's still a funky smell in it after not being used for maybe 30+ years.
>>1061902 >>1061698 Isnt the rule that if the bar is smaller than 40 square meters, then you're allowed to smoke, given that the owner permits it. And anywhere above 40 you're never allowed?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1061905 no clue, i think some bars get a pass if they are historic or something
>>1061869 It sounds like you're probably tamping too heavily or too much and smoking too fast. Try using your tamper more like a broom on the top of the tobacco rather than a plunger. Think sweeping the ashes away from the ember more than pressing them down. I've also found some blends don't taste their best with ash on top of the ember for whatever reason. With these I'll also occasionally blow over the top of the bowl lightly to get the ash off the ember.
>'clean white ash'. That's really nice when it happens, but it doesn't happen that often for me, and I don't try for it so much as just a good smoking experience. If I get both great, if I only get the latter it's still good.
That said, usually how much dottle is left at the end depends on me. What I notice is usually the faster I smoke the front half of the bowl, the rougher the back half of the bowl will be. It'll usually be wetter, harder to light and taste worse from all of the mistakes I made up front. So it's a cumulative experience, and aromatics are more touchy about technique than English blends. If I want the back end to still taste decent, I need to not screw up the front end. So I don't pack too much, get a firm light that I don't have to keep babysitting, go slow and don't tamp too much or too heavily.
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I love pipe smoking. Smoked conventional cigarettes for a while, and smelled horrible after. Pipe tobacco gives me a much better nicotine delivery.
>want to smoke a pipe >Don't want to be the guy that smokes a pipe
>>1062026 Bit of a conundrum you've got there.
I would suggest doing what you want and not caring about what people think, but what do I know?
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>>1062087 This
Fuck people and their opinions
Im about to buy a 10 pipe cob bag from MM, fuck the haters
>>1062026 people care a lot less about what other people do then you think.
>>1062026 You should go for it, I just ordered my first pipe. I can't wait for it to arrive.
>>1062114 >>1062179 You guys have convinced me, might have to invest. Just about to go traveling/hiking the world so a nice pipe after a hike might be just what I need (I'm an ex smoker that recently felt the pull again)
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>>1062026 just be respectful and try not to smoke around people if you can help it. don't act like a vapefag
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>>1062223 A $7 cob is cheap enough so that you won't cry too much if it breaks or falls out of your pack when you're not looking. Plus they smoke like a dream.
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Pipe of the Night Baccarat Sitter fillled with Dark Twist Don't know much about the pipe except that it looks neat and smokes pretty well. The Dark Twist is like an unflavored aromatic. Definitely a tobacco that likes its space and time. You've got to give it room in your pipe and smoke it slow. When you do, it's nice and mild with a bit of molasses flavor.
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>>1061992 Thanks for the tips. I think overtamping is a good possibility then. I'll experiment and see if that plus maybe a better initial light helps.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
does anyone have any good tips on avoiding rim charring? i have awful depth perception so i inevitably end up charring the rim.
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>>1062738 This will sound counterintuitive, but maybe try a torch lighter.
The reason I say that is a torch will light all of the tobacco at once, so you just wave it around the whole top of the pipe to light it and you're done in a single second. The flame doesn't linger very long in any one spot, so there's not enough time for the pipe to get really hot and char. By the time the rim starts toasting up the flame is already gone and the only thing left smoldering is your tobacco.
My first pipe arrived today. I've never smoked before. Any words of wisdom?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1062753 >Falcon good choice
check in with the OP post
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>>1062753 Yes: fill your pipe with less tobacco than you think you need to use and smoke slower than you think you should.
The most common errors new smokers make are cramming every little bit of tobacco they can into the pipe and smoking their pipe like a freight train. They soon wonder why they can't keep their pipe lit and why their tongue gets scorched. It's all in those two things-how you fill your pipe, and how you smoke it.
Just put pinches of tobacco into your pipe until it's even with the rim and then light it. Don't press down at all-you can try that later, but it can be overdone, and overdoing it will cause the problems I want you to avoid. For now let's just get you a decent first smoke. When filling your pipe, less is more.
After that, the rest is intuitive: light the whole top of the tobacco at the start and tamp it very lightly when the smoke starts thinning out. Don't worry if you need to relight once or twice, either-it happens. Just focus on enjoying the experience and going slowly.
>>1062753 Matches are great unless you're smoking outdoors. As long as you can light the pipe with just one match you'll be okay, but as soon as you're burning through a dozen of them over the course of a single session you'll want a lighter. A basic cigarette lighter works fine
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1062825 But throwing the spent match in the fire feels so good tough ...
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>>1063084 But only if you were able to light your pipe first.
Otherwise it's just frustrating.
I got my first pipe yesterday as a surprise birthday gift and I'm really looking forward to giving it a try, the only 'trouble' if you can call it that, is its a pre drilled block, so I'll have to carve it first my question is, what are some of the easier shapes to make without power tools? all I've got are my usual /out/ knives, a super small mora carving knife, and a file
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1063118 ive never carved briar, but i hear its hard as hell to carve
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>>1063121 ah I should have mentioned its pear, although my dad might have some of my grandfathers old briar blocks somewhere, I would rather get really good at making pipes before I even think about touching something with that much history behind it
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>>1063118 Apple/pear shape, billiard and pot are all good starter shapes.
Tonight's smoke is Haunted Bookshop in a MM Country Gentleman paired with a nice bottle of Corona.
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>>1063271 >Nice >Corona Individual taste I guess ...
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Got a humidipak from a small cigar tin. Going to try rehydrating that, then use it to fix this dry pouch of half and half. Will report back if I'm successful.
>>1051762 >Thread devoted to using a drug that produces powerful physical dependence >Calls someone else a drug addict Yeah, OK.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
OGS and ribs on the grill
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Let the drinking and mosquito bites commence
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Turns out the train home was cancelled. Back to drinking and smoking
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Anyone here have any experience with Dr. Grabow pipes?
>>1063663 >smoking a pipe >absorbing enough nicotine to even approach dependence Pick one
>>1064075 Yeah, whatever you need to tell yourself. Or, maybe this whole thread is kept running by shills for the tobacco industry.
Have fun doing drugs.
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>>1064296 Speaking as OP, I'm pretty sure I'm not a shill for the tobacco companies.
If I was, I wouldn't be pushing pipe smoking, I sure as hell wouldn't be doing it on 4chan, and I would probably be a lot richer than I am now.
>have fun doing drugs I will. And you do the same.
>car getting worked on >sitting in the corner of the parking lot in the shade, smoking my pipe, trying not to bother anyone, keeping an eye on the work >employee drives up in his real nice car >threatens to call the cops >tell him it's tobacco >"well I didn't know" God damn this is bullshit. I know it's kind of sketchy, but it's a corn cob pipe. Christ.
>>1064394 Sounds like you need to have a talk with his manager.
>>1064396 seriously this. who the fuck just jumps to a conclusion and threatens to call the cops without even talking to the person? and then to admit that he was ignorant and working off an assumption like you're supposed to praise him for his dumbass shenanigan
>>1064396 >>1064470 Yes, I probably should have. But at that point I just wanted to get home. Spent about 3 hours there.
Have to get the CV joint on my right front wheel fixed or, more likely, replaced.
New pipe, 20 dollars. Smokes really well so far.
>>1063697 What pipe is that? Looks nice.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1064509 where did you get it?
A cob, Carter Hall and some fishing.
A real nice way to enjoy a summer sunset.
>>1064524 It's the "make everyone in the thread jealous of Mads" pipe.
It works wonderfully.
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>>1051731 True shit, stoner culture is so annoying. I'm sure people would be less against it if they heard something else than "haha weed xd" from stoners.
>>1063697 >>1063784 >>1063795 How many pipes do you carry with you? Looks like an enjoyable night regardless
>>1064684 Probably one per day. Conventional wisdom is that pipes need to rest a little bit after being smoked repeatedly for a day or so. I don't think that's necessarily true-you can certainly smoke most decent quality pipes day in and day out for years with no ill effects given regular maintenance-but it's definitely a nice excuse to get more pipes.
Some of the high end brands make 7-day sets too, like pic related from Dunhill.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1064558 >It's the "make everyone in the thread jealous of Mads" pipe. aww thanks dude!
>>1064684 at a party like that its more about the size of the pipe bowl, luckily we had good weather and could sit outside the whole time, but leaving to go smoke a full bowl in the Oom Paul would just take too much time, so the smaller falcon and cob are ideal once the party gets started.
that and i can switch to the cob if i get drunk enough to worry about dropping it. so 3. but usually just one and the cob as backup
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>>1064556 Just some smoke shop nearby, for 20 bucks
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1064940 I dont get this meme.
>I'm not Finnish >I dont like liquorice pipes (they are too sweet) What gives??
>>1065121 I guess it's either a joke or someone seriously cannot tell North Europeans countries apart. Those things are tasty, and habit forming.
Here is part of my meager collection of pipe tobacco. Any suggestions for different stuff?
>>1065133 Here is the rest of it too along with my favorite brair.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1065127 that´s what i dont get, there´s a million memes about Danes, why go for a Finnish one? im genuinely curious
>>1065133 your desk looks comfy, never had any of those tobaccos so i dont really have any input,
i never understood "tobacco" collection, its like liquor collection or something, if you have it, why not enjoy it, i dont get it
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1065139 >night cap still cant believe i haven't bought a tin of that yet.wtf am i even doing
>>1065141 I do enjoy it, I just get doubles of everything that way I can cellar some of it for later.
I want to get some rope tobacco but it sells out too fast, I am just glad I got some of the plum pudding reserves for that some reason.
Most people hate my desk, but I like it because it is very large.
>>1065121 aw shit man it's just a cheeky nonsense joke. no harm meant at all. just some friendly joshing and memeing and such.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1065149 not hurt at all, dont take my questioning as not having a laugh at it, im just baffeled at what genious madman drew the line bestween me and skipper pipes! keep up the good work pal!
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1065145 >I want to get some rope tobacco me too, but as far as i know the only way to get it for me would be ordering Online, i dont shop online, so thats a bit of a problem
also, large desk is master race, dont listen to naysayers
>>1065170 Why dont you shop online?
I get alerts when places restock rope tobacco but I am usually busy when they restock so by the time I get home at the end of the day it is generally too late.
I really like my desk, I am a real fan of walnut.
>>1065170 Doesnt MB Dark Twist qualify as rope? I also think MOB makes some rope blends
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1065176 >Why dont you shop online? same reason i wont use "scan it yourself" checkout, i dont think it benefits the customer and i dont like it, i removes jobs and lovers quality of service. the decrease in price is neglegeble at best.
>>1065177 tried to look up what MOB meant, holy shit danish pipe shop´s updated their website! RIP poop brown colour scheme
>>1065183 MOB = My Own Blend (at least in my mind).
Do you frequent danishpipeshops actual store?
I wish I had a tobacco shop in my town or at least a kiosk with a bigger variety than OGS and Porter House...
>>1065201 >Do you frequent danishpipeshops actual store? yea, that´s where i buy all my tobacco unless i am hungover love the place, so great people, been coming there for years, that and the Davidoff store(copenhagen) but im honestly not sure thats the same anymore
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1065213 >forgot Trip. that´s what i get for being a cross-board posting stupid!
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>>1064717 All it comes down to is letting the pipe dry out. As long as you aren't smoking swamp ass you should be all right.
Just bought my first cob pipe. Stupid question, am I supposed to leave that rolled up paper inside there?
>>1065314 If you want to use a filter, keep it in. Take it out if you don't want to.
>>1065316 >>1065318 Is it just for particulate or does it actually affect anything?
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>>1065319 It absorbs moisture and keeps tobacco and ash away from your mouth, but doesn't filter enough to cause the flavors to fade too much. If you draw firmly, you might like a filter just to keep the ash out of your mouth. If you have a softer draw, it won't really be necessary.