>>1061658>>1061668>>1061888>>1061659non american here
do people actually believe or is the this understanding how stuff works ? it seems like some fake news or trolling. or is it just a bisas, filter bubble of the lefties, democrats or liberals? ( if i understand the US meaning of the words, as here the labels are different political groups).
the truth is not black and white, but calling trump a failed businessman is really strange, he failed in some stuff but also succeeded in most his ventures ( ~ 600 profitable ones vs ~6 failures) he also became on of the 500th richest man world wide.
or this
>>1061659 do people believe the wealthy are just a uniform club or group? where profitable deals just floating around and no one wanted to take them before trump? an then he was the best choice to give your insider benefits to ? no investor was able to see or take these opportunities on the market ? this is a really strange world view.
additionally there is stuff that is factually wrong and easy to look up like
>Trump inherited hundreds of millions of dollars (His father's estate, valued at more than $20 million, was divided in 1999 just google it )
so is this bias or trolling or the left narrative ? trump offers lots of things to attack him with why do people use these wired "the man kept every one but him down" or " he got "hundreds of millions" or "failed in business"
also take this retarded shit to