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/out/ Meta Thread

No.1064886 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/out/ Meta Thread
We are allowed one meta thread per board to discuss board culture and things we hope to see from our 4chan sponsored safe space.
What do you anons think would make the board a better place?
For me, I would like to see more support of people trying to live /out/. It seems every time someone asks how to live outside they are either directed to the homeless thread or just plain told they will die. I think that is ridiculous. We love the outdoors and there is no argument behind, "lol ull die fgt." We should support anyone trying to live a more /out/ lifestyle, whether that means going on weekend hikes or trying to make a whole life of it. Why in the world are the only folks around here who are trying to help these people the homeless? It seems everyone has 10 reasons why NOT to live outside and the only people who are supporting this idea are bums. What the fuck. There would also be benefit in decreasing shitposts. Whether or not you believe you're clever should not influence the rest of us. Many people try and help but are immediately dissuaded due to shitposts. Why, as a board, do we shitpost so much? What motivates you guys to throw negativity all over the place?
Is it /k/ or /out/? Somewhere in between?
I for one am pretty saddened that we can't talk about building things innawoods without some faggot coming in and posting 'batony chop chop babby' bullshit and trying to derail the whole thread. Why do we shit on /out/ activities that we all supposedly love?

What would YOU like to see from /out/? Am I just a huge faggot? Hope to hear from you anons