When you shit in the woods do you squat over the hole or do you put your hands on the ground behind you like a backwards spider? I like the latter. It's a little nasty shitting in a foot deep hole after 5 others, more so when it's in a swamp and fills with water in the first 5 minutes after digging and is inside the defensive position where everyone is sleeping and you can smell it all night even before they wake you up again at 3am to go on stag. Shitting in a bowl of shit, in the bush. But fuck it bury that and move on at dawn. Gotta poo and eat and sleep. Put a shallow pissing one near each sentry gun and put leaves in it to disguise the sound of the pissing,
Oh girls? Nah they never passed the training. But taking a squat isn't the end of the world. I don't think thats what they failed on.
What happens as non infantry attached is they get to go back to have a shower every few days to percent infection of the vagina.