>>1070344I like works on philosophy or the classics when I'm cuddled up in the woods. A little pretentious, i know, but cozy and fewer distractions so I can concentrate.
Analects of Confucious
Art of War
Tao Te Ching
The Chinese stuff is also short and available in pocket editions. When I'm laying down in a tent, a light weight book is easier to hold up for hours.
The western classics mostly are big heavy books so a front lit Kindle is the better option. The battery life on those things is insane, especially if you turn off the radio.
Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War is one I'm slowly working through.
Xenophon's Anabasis
Machiavelli's The Prince.
Kissinger's Diplomacy
A LONG list of CS Lewis writings. Screwtape Letters is the most fun, also try Mere Christianity and Abolition of Man
Maimonides, Guide to the Perplexed. I hear Treatises on Logic is good, too.
Jewish scholars often publish articles about ethics and Jewish law and many are fascinating.
I need to find a good book of Islamic ideas, especially sufiism.
Toffler: The Third Wave
Spengler: The Decline of the West
Randall's Making of the Modern Mind is a classic that used to be required reading for nearly every college student and is now all but forgotten.
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations
Will Durant's: Story of Philosophy is good and very readable even when you're sleepy. Story of Civilization is a huge multivolume opus he wrote with his waifu.
Plus some /pol/itical stuff that belongs on another board and you'll want to pick and choose based on your own politics. Liberals can read Rawls: Theory of Justice. Conservatives can read Milton Friedman (Capitalism and Freedom) and Hayek (The Road to Serfdom). Just for example.
Being /out/ is perfect for reading these big ideas with far reaching implications. Fewer distractions. You've been walking all day, so you're patient. Early to bed, plenty of sleep. Out in the big world, I feel like big ideas fit in, under the stars.