>>1072585Assuming you have at least average night vision, you shouldn't use flashlights as they just limit your field of vision to their cone of light. If you have sub-par night vision, put a red filter on to at least keep what nightvision you have.
As others have already said, wear proper footwear - but don't tie the boots to tight. If you have proper boots, the leather should stop your ankles from bending sideways even if they're loosely tied. tying them tighter just stops you ankles from bending forward as well, placing unnecessary stress on your knees.
That's it for equipment. Rest is about behaviour:
Night is the time most animals are the most active, so wearing a bell or singing is generally a good idea. Trust me, you don't want to come face to face with a boar - you'll only notice them when you're already to close to flee. better to make them notice you. carrying a weapon is also a good idea, preferably some kind of pointed walking stick.
Stay away from wet paths, you won't be able to see the slippery spots as easily as in daylight.
If you're camping, it's a good idea to put fluorescent or tritium lights on the tents groundlines close to the entrance so you don't trip on them when returning. Same with any loose gear you're carrying so you find it easier if it falls to the ground.