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Women in the environment sector

No.1073490 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm so fucking sick of this fucking bullshit. I work as a bushcarer and hold a degree in environmental science and have to pretend that these stupid fucking cunts are able to do the same amount of work that I am. They are physically inferior and just dumb fucks in general which no logic when it comes to efficiency and time management.

There have been a number of cool enviro jobs posted on facebook recently and I have noticed heaps of these stupid females with marine biology degree who also volunteer at some gay animal shelter tagging their friends. Its pathetic... The sad part is that I know some of them will get hired due to this whole equal opportunity bullshit. They are idealistic morons who think they can save the world by being vegans, and studying some generic degree. They do not have the physical or mental abilities men have and I have seen this first hand on many occasions. Its all just a token effort.

They have these gay little facebook profiles which are covered in little vintage filters and pictures of them holding parrots and other gay animals in some transparent effort to appear 'earthly' and different. Try working with these insufferable cunts - its horrible having to try and not offend them, because you damn well know they are just LOOKING to find something to be offended over too.