>Hunting season, November 2016
>Friend of mine and I go out
>Savages, so we just walk around in the woods by a swamp area
>I bring my Westerfield .30-.30, he brings his Saiga 7.62X39
>We walk about 50 meters apart, but horizontal from each other.
>Approach a small pond
>Suddenly we see a smaller Doe rise up from some bullrushes
>Starts walking slowly
>I decide not too shoot, since it's too small
>As it begins to walk, I think my friend is thinking the same thing
>Two continuous shots ring out
>Doe jumps,runs about 20 yards
>Six more continuous shots
>Doe flops over, legs still kicking
>Two more shots
>Its dead now
Overall, he shot it 6 times, at least 5 gut shots and 1 shot that grazed the rear leg.
We harvested what we could. The meat was really no good, all blown apart and the shit bag got hit and ruined everything
I bitched at my friend pretty much right after we walked up to the small deer until season was over. To this day, I make him load only one bullet when we go out
He's an overall idiot, and I got plenty of stories about his dumbass.