>>1095492I was saying the other guy is gonna die because he's in the path of the strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded.
Georgia is interesting.
Atlanta is ground zero for hip hop. I've gotten off the largest freeway in south Atlanta and the 7-11 has bullet proof glass protecting the cashier. I expect that in some hidden corner neighborhood of every major city, but not off a major thoroughfare. I was the only white person I saw.
And yet the town I moved to still has KKK picnics, in full regalia, on weekend afternoons in the middle of town.
I'm from the desert- a friend had some property outside of las Vegas. Well company said they would have to drill about 2,500 feet to even have a chance of hitting water (no guarantees)- so that's a $40,000 bill for a dry well.
Where I'm at now you can throw a baseball blindfolded and where ever it lands you can drill and hit water within 100 feet.
Land is worthless unless you have water- so Georgia has that going for it.
10% of the Georgia population has conceal carry permits.
There's this thing some refer to as the "gnat line", learn where it is. South of it is brutal with these damn sand gnats- but hummingbirds will eat their weight in them daily. So put out feeders and buy a 10 pound bag of sugar, theyll breed and become a colony of mighty hunters, and come back every year.
Welding is toxic, but also takes a lot out of you during the day.
We've had days with a heat index of 112° and I'm leaning over steel that's 2,500 degrees when I'm welding. And if you're making money, its not from making keychains- you'll be lifting and dealing with massive pieces of metal. It can be great in a custom fab shop, but production is a bitch.