Most civilian gear is superior in various ways, but for the price point milsurp is usually among the best value you'll find. That being said, I do use some military gear and would recommend, like a woobie instead of a sleeping bag for mild weather sleeping, those aluminum mess kits I find are great for the price, and canteens at my local milsurp place are $2 a pop for a 1 liter and $4 for a 2 liter, so I stock up on those as cheap tough water bottles, especially good if I have a friend who wants to get into /out/ stuff and I can give or lend them some gear. Plus they have old metal canteens for $10, which you can boil straight up, and thats always nice for comfy tea time.
ALICE packs are kinda popular too but I have no experience with them
BDU pants are great, I get them in plain olive or brown if I can because I have a hard on for OD and flat single colors but thats me. Just stay away from ACU, that pattern is an affront to God and all Holy things.
Wool clothing for the price usually cant be beat if you want that
Jerry cans if you can find them are great for offroading so you dont end up 20 miles on the trail and realize youve been running on fumes since you got off the highway
Books are great, still read through my survival books from time to time, as well as my land navigation book.
The guns are great but with everything going into McAR's thats getting to be the cheapest option
I love my MOLLE assault pack because I can just throw shit on and off at a moments whim if I want this or that.
All things considered it has its place, best to use it with civilian gear as well though.