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What's the worst state and why is it New Jersey?

No.1091618 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> be me
> live in New Jersey
> disappointed at the domesticated, destructive, and non-sustainable way of life that everyone around me leads
> make it a point to move to the country and start a homestead after finishing school
> decide to learn basic survival skills in the meantime
> buy some starter equipment such as a knife and flint and steel
> perfect, sunny day arrives
> walk outside
> tightly-packed houses and concrete, separated only by gas stations and chain stores stretching for miles, and miles
>take a few steps, and wait close to 3 whole minutes to cross the street, just to get to the car
> get on the highway and drive for 45 minutes to reach the nearest woody area
> find a secluded spot
> gather wood along with kindling and build a fire pit
> 300 pound whale pulls up next to me in a UTV that can barely hold his weight
> tells me I can't do this here
> ignores me when I explain that I've taken all precaution to be safe, even bringing along a portable fire extinguisher and a jug of water
> threatens to call for more land whales on UTVs if I don't leave
> too tired to deal with the bullshit, so agree
> spend over an hour driving back home, since rush hour had just started by then
> crumble after realizing I've got 2 more years of this hell to bear

Who thought building an environment and society like this would be a good idea? Why would any self-respecting person voluntarily move TO New Jersey? Why would any self-respecting person stay longer than they have to in this concrete jungle?

How do I cope with living in New Jersey, /out/?