>>1098541I'm now civilian security contractor. It's a good job, when you catch up with some better gig.
>Any advice or insights?Join up during the summer. No winter, no spring, no fall. Early summer.
Don't learn French before going. Or if you do, don't admit it.
Run. A lot. And then some more.
Get your teeth fixed.
Enlist either directly in Aubagne or if not possible, in Paris.
Know which regiment and why do you want to join from the day 1. Never change those when asked.
During all interviews and later interrogations - be truthful, honest, but reply if possible on yes/no/don't know basis.
Learn ranks and code d'honneur du legionnaire if you want to save up some time later.
During pre-selection and selection and generally; help others, be friendly, mingle, don't stand around like a sore thumb. Always finish the work you were given as quickly and well as possible and ask for more. But don't be a brownnose.
If you are American (or westerner in general) when asked about your financial situation back home, tell them you had a minimal wage or been unemployed or some stuff like that.
And generally as in every other military the most important rule: keep your mouth shut, do as you are told and try not to think about the logical sense of given orders. Embrace the suck and you will be fine.
I could probably think of more. If you want to know more, ask. It's a good experience and after a year or two a good life.