>>1106516Manifest Destiny, amiright?
What was left after the initial disease outbreak did become savages. The same thing happens with any society faced with a SHTF scenario where 90% of the population dies.
>>1106568>Whites spreading disease to the natives was an accident (germ science hadn't been discovered)When the war started the whites did use disease warfare to great effect. That's well documented as a war tactic. There's one main thing though. Whites came here and eradicated nearly everyone. That can't be disputed. I think I'd scalp people to if that were happening to me.
>Attempts at destroying native culture are close to ancient history. Nobody is working against natives anymore.True, but it still exists in a lingering form. For instance, there's very few things in media entertainment that portray even modern native americans legitly.
>We need to bury the hatchet once and for all.That will never happen so long as there is any sort of difference between any peoples. Even if everything and everyone were equal in every respect, humans would make up shit to find a side to be on.