>>1105157Radio Snore. Endless insufferable champagne socialists, multi kulti, this week in suicidal solidarity, feminism 101 and anti-trump shit (I don't even like Trump)
Occasional good plays, adaptations and comedies tho. That older one about the Devil is gold
>>1105134Excuse the autism but I really enjoy black metal, it's a little hard to get into but it seems to be the only genre that consistently explores the deep n dark history and mythos of this isle, and its folksy instruments and vocals fit the landscape much better than anything electronic. Hiked to the Orkneys, spent the last day of the trip listening to Forefather albums and Karine Polwart's cover of The Wife of Usher's Well (it's on apple or spotify, not Youtube, and it's great).
Gallowbraid, Ulver and Agalloch aren't english but dang mane they fit the Highlands and dark valleys of Wales.
https://youtu.be/TpDpegtlSkYhttps://youtu.be/Xle5KBC7lKY>>1104597Op, man, you've gotta learn to enjoy the history while you're in an area, visit old ruins, groves, sites and weird little museums in old barns and cottages all over England, they make your /out/ time much richer, they're like a portal to a time when it wasn't an urbanised nanny state full of pajeets and cucks and brutalist flat blocks.
One of my best UK experiences was going to Hadrian's wall for a few days, hiked the length and read some great literature about it in the eves, then visited the museum and some reconstructed structures.
If you ask the museums, their staff will be able to tell you the best back routes, the most beautiful views, the hidden sites, the old roads. Once you learn about the history of our green and beautiful land, walking along an ancient roman road or a holy river or protected glen or a forest that used to be full of deserters or stumbling across an ancient mott and bailey or walking atop barrows is magical, and will make you 10x sadder for the direction we're headed in