>>1108828You would be wrong, yes.
The "statistics" show bear spray more effective than firearms because:
1. Most of the people injured or killed by bears while carrying firearms were actively hunting bears, not hikers/campers, and were actively pursuing wounded bears.
2. Park/Forest rangers pad the "well bear spray worked" numbers because they are REQUIRED to report bear spray discharges, and will hose down any wild animal regardless of whether it might or might not eventually pose a threat. Estimates are that as many as 20% of reported bear spray successes were against bears that posed no threat to any humans (such as trapped, caged, already-fleeing, or very young bears).
3. Injuries from bears where the person either waited until after the injury occurred to employ a firearm or simply never fired a shot are counted against firearms, but injuries that occur before bear mace is used or where bear mace was carried but not employed are not
Just this year alone 6 people have been killed and an additional 3 injured after using bear spray against bears PRIOR to an injury occurring. This year ZERO people have been injured while both carrying and employing a firearm against a bear.