>>1113292Done most of the country in the military driving around the place, you want a couple of critical things-
>2 spare tyres>GPS, Compass, Maps (and know how to use them!)>Enough drinking water for everyone for about 4-5days>HF radio and/or sat phone, CB generally doesn't have the throw range but can be handy on main roads>Toolkit and common failure spares for vehicle, belts and fuses (the big ones under the hood too) at the very least.>Air pump for tyre pressures, re-inflating>Fire extinguisher for car>good tentA lot of what you do also depends on 'where' the fuck you're going as well-
>Sandy deserts mean low pressure tyres, recovery extraction gear (winch or ramps)>Stony desert and tertiary roads will literally beat suspension to death with corrugations and bumps>Wet season in the north may make some areas impassableFor the most part, anything that isnt a Pajero, Patrol, Landcruiser, Hilux or highly modified to cope- will die horribly, Jeeps, Range Rovers and all those little gay SUV things will simply get broken, stop working and then you will be in the shit. Like any remote touring, you tell someone WHERE you are going, WHEN you will get there and CONTACT them when you get there. That way when you do get in the shit, someone will know when to send out a search party to come get you.