>>1122047>>1121008>>1120994They are terrible to drive at first. But you get used to them.
I don't fit in most cars, but surprisingly, I can drive a Land-Rover just fine.
The seat doesn't recline because there's a support bar behind it.
This structure becomes the lower part of the cab when converted to a pickup.
You should be ready to drive with your back completely straight. It's how I normally drive.
You'll get used to it, eventually.
The driving position is high because the diesel tank is situated under the seat.
How high is it? My shoulder rubs against the top edge of the window frame.
On the Series models, the steering wheel is pretty big (and mechanical) which barely leaves enough space for your knuckles between the door and the wheel.
My whole arm has to sit outside the window, which effectively makes the steering wheel a single handed one.
The arm closest to the door is only used for holding the wheel.
Most people like to drive sitting sideways. That's how it's thought in the Army.
I prefer the usual way.