>>1131495Don't bother. All you'll find in NY realistically are panaeleous, and maybe liberty caps. Both fall into the LBM category, and you're more likely to accidentally pick some either posinous galernia or inert haymakers mushrooms than find anything. As far as amanita muscaria, you'll have little problems finding or identifying them with an hour of research, but there's a lot controversy around the yellow ones (amanita muscaria var. Formosa ) being psycoactive. And even if they were, I doubt you'd like the effects. If you're dead set on getting magic mushrooms without dedicating more time than it would take to ask around and find someone who sells it, just buy spore prints online and grow in Mason jars. Don't be an idiot and tell all your friends because keep in mind, once the spores fruit, you could get in big legal trouble. Don't go out eating random mushrooms because you'll either die, or have stomach cramps so bad you wish you were.