>>1135323>Protein bars and energy bars should be labeled though?Based on their ratios like "carb bar" and "protein bar" would be fine, but both are "energy bars". "Nutrition bar" is a better catch all than "energy bar". The main problem here is that they feel the need to label it "energy" or "nutrition". I mean it is food after all, what else is it for if not for nutrition/energy, regardless with what it is? Otherwise, you'd open the wrapper up and there'd be a hunk of metal or wood. Those terms are as good as saying, "food bar." Even feeling the need to call it a "bar" is laughable. Simply because anyone with eyes good enough to read that on the label can plainly see it is a bar without the need to read the label. Though, if they came in a big box I can understand that on the box. Marketing is just a sly way to tell us things we already know or think we should know so we feel better about buying their product.
>What do you put in your mixes? Just nuts and dried fruit?Dried meat, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and dried veggies. Like "jerky + dried tomato + butter-roasted pumpkin seeds with powdered PHS, powdered H.wax peppers, and powdered cumin".