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Once upon a time there were 5 C's and then there were ten. I have been developing my own set and wanted help and criticism from /out/.
- The Nine C System - Cut, Cure, Cleanse, Clothe, Contain, Constrain, Cover, Combust, Consume.
The terms are verb based in order to make the starting letters match. I have been using this list to assure all my loadouts meet minimum survival standards.
I have considered adding Clarify which would be flashlights/headlamps and optics at their respective levels but have not finalized my thoughts. I look forward to collaborating with my fellow /out/ists.
- The Nine C System - Cut, Cure, Cleanse, Clothe, Contain, Constrain, Cover, Combust, Consume.
The terms are verb based in order to make the starting letters match. I have been using this list to assure all my loadouts meet minimum survival standards.
I have considered adding Clarify which would be flashlights/headlamps and optics at their respective levels but have not finalized my thoughts. I look forward to collaborating with my fellow /out/ists.