>>114719If you start seeing a bullseye, immediatly go out into the yard with a jar and lid and catch a honey bee. Shake it in the jar until it is no longer trying to fly. carefully catch it in a thick cloth or folded napkin so it won't sting you through the clot/napkin. Place its stinger as close to the center of the tick bite as you can get it. Let the honey bee sting you and keep the bee right there with the stinger so the two do not separate for a couple of minutes. This will allow more apitoxin to be injected than normal. Remove the bee, but leave the stinger for 15 mins then remove the stinger.
If you are allergic to honey bee stings don't do this obviously. You should see welting begin and it should "flood" the color out of the bullseye and follow and streaks it may have. The apitoxin from the bee sting will help eradicate the bacteria that cause Lyme disease before it moves further into your body.
In any case, see a doctor immediately. If you have a camera, take a photo before and after the bee sting.
>>114725You don't die. It attacks your nervous system and causes things you really don't want to know about. Those things won't appear until around 2 years later too, usually.