>>1159588That's 5+ years of use for most of their customers.
>>1156823Budget + long distance means you will still be way ahead, even after the cost of fuel, by using an alcohol stove. The stove itself cost $1 and a bit of your time. The fuel ought to be less than $3/week.
If you want something that is good for cold winter weather though, I suggest getting a multifuel stove (e.g. MSR whisperlite/XGK). Multifuel stoves will keep working forever provided you maintain them. Whisperlite international goes for ~$70 and fuel again is probably less than $3/week.
The Biolite will not stand up to heavy use from something like long distance hiking. The fan will likely die after a few uses and then you may as well just cook by campfire or other significantly cheaper wood stove. The "clean burning" from increasing the O2 has a negligible impact on the air quality or energy usage in an outdoor environment. It's only useful in places where there are many homes heated by wood pallet stoves or places where they burn wood inside a home to cook. Even then, the problem is more due to lack of proper ventilation and not due to incomplete combustion. It's cheap junk that only exists because they market it to people who don't know better. Aside from a shitty product, the company ethos is awful for an outdoors company. It seems similar to a tech start-up, Brooklyn based, poor design that is basically just smashing together Chinese electronic components into a product to market, and most of their effort goes to marketing and misleading potential customers.