>>1157622Scouting is the most important thing you can do if you don't want to be a faggot hunting from a truck. I learned on my own just like you're trying to do. If you're going to beat all the fudds off out there, you have to put in your hours before the season starts. I start looking for the deer I want to shoot in August, three months before the rifle season starts. I hike into deer heavy areas and watch for hours. I pick out a strong herd and check on it every couple weeks until the season starts. And then I'm in position an hour before everyone else is. Keep in mind this isn't the frontiersman days. You have to deal with other hunters especially on public land. Use their laziness to your advantage. Go deeper into the woods then they will. Think about how and where they're going to pressure deer and get in a position where they'll push the door in front of you.
Hunting is the embodiment of patience. Get your binoculars out, find a comfortable spot to sit up for several hours straight, and glass the hills over and over. Remember, your eyes will spot motion better than shapes. Don't move much and don't make a sound (no fucking coughing and sighing).
You can't shoot animals if you're hunting areas the animals don't come through. Scout that shit. And keep in mind deer are like the dumbest fucking animals in North America. I feel a little guilty every time I shoot one. They don't strategize. They take easy paths. They need water and food and thick cover.