>>1158152As a teenager, I was such a loser. I hate to blame it on anything in particular, but I had been on prescription meds since the age of 12. They sapped all of my energy and motivation. Don't talk shit unless you've been on the same kind of psychiatric meds I was on. You really do not know how much they can fuck you up. I really did nothing during my teenage years, and I think that really stunted my development as a person. I stopped playing guitar at age 14, stopped snowboarding at 13, stopped martial arts at 14. Did absolutely nothing except school and vidya.
I've been trying really hard to improve my life by getting some hobbies, acquiring skills. When I graduated high school, I spent half of the summer hitchhiking around the US. Eating out of dumpsters, living like a hobo, working odd jobs for cash. I even lost my virginity on that trip. I started practicing survival skills and found enjoyment in various outdoor activities.
I wanted to start playing guitar again, along with snowboarding, possibly skateboarding and surfboarding too. I have guitar gear (not top of the line stuff, but it gets the job done, yet I still want to upgrade), but nothing for snowboarding.
Honestly, a trip like that can change your life. It was the only way for me to break my reliance on psychiatric meds. The first week of my trip, I actually experienced light withdrawals, but I had no access to my meds. It was how I made a clean break.