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Winston Goes /out/ again

No.116478 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gentlemen, I'm back.
I can't believe I'm doing this again, but here goes.

A few weeks ago I made a thread saying that I would go out in the wilderness for two nights with nothing but my swiss army knife and ten items of your choosing. I did so, and had a very interesting and entertaining trip. My follow up thread was well received, and I promised to do it again, so here I am.
I have a cell phone with a camera, and while I didn't even think of taking pictures of anything (the exception being the picture of the cat that someone asked me to photograph).

So here's how it works:
I will be going out with my swiss army knife and a backpack. I will be taking 7 items with me this time. The first posts that end in even numbers are the items I take with me, 0's do not count.
RULES: Nothing unreasonable, such as diamonds, live animals.
No dead weight, I took 80 pounds or so in dumbbells and rail, never again.
You decide what to give me, but it is my choice what I do with it.

I will also have a cell phone for pictures and in case of emergency. I will be out this weekend, and follow up thread will be sometime next week.