Feel free to post tobaccos (no weed allowed), pipes, collections, pics of favorite combos for going /out/, pics of what you're doing with your pipe and any questions you might have.
Want to get into smoking pipes without spending too much cash?
Get a Missouri Meerschaum Legend corncob pipe and a pouch of either Prince Albert, Carter Hall or Half and Half tobacco, available at most drugstores.
What you'll need: pipe, tobacco, lighter or matches, pipe cleaners, and either a regular old nail or a pipe tool (combination tamper, scoop, and small pick).
All of these together should run you less than $20.
Having trouble keeping your pipe lit? Fill it with less tobacco and smoke it slower than you think you need to, lightly tamping as needed when the smoke starts thinning out.
If you're still having trouble, try filling your pipe this way:
https://youtu.be/0XHYPso7TXs Old thread
>>1158625 Come on in and get comfy.
Anyone had any experience with Dunhill's nightcap? It tastes like musty church and muskol...Ive put it in a few jars to see if the flavor goes anywhere with time.
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>>1174875 Yes; it's not my favourite Dunhill tobacco but I wouldn't say no to a tin.
Never had it taste like that.
>>1174875 It’s strong if you’re just starting or coming from exclusively aromatics, but a good smoke nonetheless. Could the taste be a ghost from some prior tobacco?
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>>1174915 This; it may be that you're getting a ton of the old flavour from your previous tobaccos. Perhaps try airing it out or using alcohol to sweeten it, or buy a new pipe and try it in that?
Gunny !!8hTWL0Pw7Uv
Pipes. My tobacco of choice is Lane 1-Q.
Genuinely curious as to why you guys smoke? Do you feel like it makes you calm and more stoic? I'm a semi-regualar chewing tobacco user and want to get into pipes.
Gunny !!8hTWL0Pw7Uv
>>1175043 If you do it correctly you'll find that there is a bit of an art to it. The ritualistic nature of it forces you to slow down and take your time with it, almost like an act of meditation. A lot of people that try it at first aren't very good at it so they experience bad taste, tongue bite, and ashtray mouth afterward and they don't pursue it for very long. But once you get the hang of it you'll learn how to get cool smoke that has a variety of flavors without tasting scorched or hot. There is a pleasant room note and after aroma that is unlike that of cigarettes and cigars. I often get compliments on the smell long after I finish a pipe. I've even had a few women ask what type of cologne I was wearing after smoking and going out in public later in the day much to my surprise. It is true that it is not a healthy activity, but far less harmful than cigarettes and even cigars and other smokeless tobacco products. I don't experience any real effects from the nicotine but I value the time I get to spend relaxing and thinking while smoking my pipes. Just imagine all of the brilliant ideas that came about as smart men sat contemplating life and things like e=mc2 behind their pipes.
In a nutshell.
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>>1175043 I like the flavour, it's a relaxing thing to pack, sit down and smoke away, tending to the pipe and it pairs well with coffee and beer.
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>>1175043 I do it for a few reasons.
1. I love woodworking and collecting things. I make pipes and collect old ones to restore.
2. My grandpa did it. And my great uncle, his brother. As a kid I remember the pleasant smell from my g-uncle and knew I'd be piping when I was an old man. My first pipe was my gpa's. I never smoked it, but I puff on it every now and then and taste the same tobacco my grandfather smoked. My grandfather died long before I was born and this feels like something I can share with him.
3. Good taste, good smell. Lower risks compared to other tobacco products. A cheap hobby to get in to.
4. As others have said, the relaxing ritual. You can't really do much else with a pipe but sit and relax. Pair it w a nice drink and a book or maybe a radio show. It burns for about an hour. You are basically guaranteeing yourself a pleasant hour.
Bought a fairly cheap setup the other day. Excited to use it, but afraid of getting sick using tobacco for the first time. I really don't wanna puke and ruin pipe smoking for myself. Any tips on how to avoid?
>>1175195 Well, I love pipe smoking and I spent my first few times after I smoked on my bed trying to calm my stomach time, or in the toilet, retching my guts up, but then I originally bought it to smoke only a few times a year and loved the taste and did a few silly things as well when first getting used to it, so I didn't mind this so much.
My advice is to pack smaller bowls to start with and take it slow; only smoke one bowl a day and don't be tempted to smoke another until you build up a bit of tolerance. This was my mistake first time. First bowl was nice, so I had another even if I was puffing and relighting a lot. That one too was very pleasant, so I had a third; then the nausea hit me. Just keep it to one a day when you're starting out if you don't want to make yourself sick.
Make sure you pick a tobacco that's quite mild in nicotine and doesn't have any cloying aromatic flavour. People keep saying it, but Dunhill Standard is practically perfect for getting people into pipe smoking an is recommended for a reason. Make sure you have a drink with you; something sweet is recommended for beginners but a cup of tea or coffee will also do just fine. Typically for me at least, I felt fine during the pipe, then it was nausea afterwards. This will pass in time, in an hour or so if you do feel sick, maybe a bit more or a bit less depending on your own tolerances and the tobacco smokes.
Take your time; this can't be stressed enough. Don't try to puff away and make huge clouds of smoke, once you have it lit and have taken some draws to keep it lit, you want light sips at the stem, as if you were tasting whisky or another spirit. Don't be afraid to let the pipe go out; it's perfectly fine to relight.
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>>1175209 The idea of a perfect pipe is great and sometimes it even happens, but most pipes I smoke, I end up having to relight at least once and in my experience, perfect pipes happen when you don't try or expect it; you'll light a pipe, not need a charring light as it'll be going and you'll end up smoking the bowl without it going out. As a beginner, you will definitely be relighting that pipe, but don't worry about it. Just take it slow and steady and don't try to suck in too much or make big clouds; it's fun, sure but you lose the taste of much of the tobacco and more importantly, you'll be taking a lot more smoke into your mouth and possibly your lungs, which will make you sick if you're not used to smoking.
Another piece of advice would be to smoke your first pipe in a very pleasant setting so to make the experience very lovely regardless of whether you feel sick afterwards; I smoked my first pipe on a hot late spring day in a beautiful garden with a book and a pot of tea. Reinforce the fact that it's a nice thing you're doing.
Your biggest concerns as a new pipe smoker won't be the problems of the nicotine hit anyway; it will be how to pack and keep the pipe lit as you smoke it; there's plenty of guides out there on the internet for this, but ultimately it comes down to practice and experience; when I first started, I'd spend ages trying to pack it just right, smoke at the right tempo, tamping constantly, etc, etc. Now I don't even really think about it as I load the pipe, light and puff. You get to know by feel and draw instantly how to do it properly, but it takes a few months at the least to get to that stage.
Not really /out/, but I bought this for my desk; previously I was just keeping matches in a shot glass and using some sandpaper to light them on; this looks better and means I won't be faffing around looking for a striking surface each time while keeping my desk clean of matchboxes and scraps of sandpaper.
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>>1175214 That's not my desk btw; that's the ebay photo.
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Who here /opiumpipe/? What are some good styles that i can get that wont be too cumbersome when i go out? Nothing more relaxing than some opium after a long hike amirite fellas?
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>>1175195 Welcome.
1) Don’t inhale.
Pipe smoking is more about the flavor than the high. Bring the smoke into your mouth, try to smell it and get all the flavor you can before letting it back out.
2) If you start to feel a little dizzy or nauseated, stop. You’ll get some nicotine in you and it’ll make you feel good, but too much and you’ll start to feel unsteady and a little upset in the stomach. That’s the first sign you’ve had too much.
3) Go slow. Not only will this keep you from getting too much too quickly, it will help the stuff you’ve got taste better. Pipe tobacco tastes best when it’s just about to go out. Take light puffs slowly and you’ll get the best experience possible.
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Mods=fags Can't handle banter & can't handle the outdoors
>>1175272 It's a match striker. You put strike-anywhere matches in there and it gives you a surface to strike them on. Just a neat way to keep matches at hand.
>>1175288 oh, thats cool, never seen trike anywhere matches before
>>1175304 I just buy them online. They're pretty cheap if you buy a big load of them. I always grab a few if I'm going out somewhere in case my lighter decides not to work that day. When hiking or such, you can easily find a rock or something to strike them on if you didn't bring a multitool or something and in town, you can just strike them on a wall.
>>1175308 Which ones do you get?
The last time I bought SAs, they weren’t.
>>1175308 >not striking them on your chin Anonymous
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>>1175352 You don't actually strike it on your chin; the trick is to strike them with your fingernail making it look like you're striking it on your chin.
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>>1175209 >retching my guts up When I first started smoking cigars, I would often get the symptoms of nicotine poisoning when I smoked too much or too fast. Eventually discovered that fighting off the nausea was a waste of time and felt absolutely awful, whereas throwing up killed the nausea and cleared up the worst of the symptoms almost immediately. It was like a miracle. Still confused about it, since it's nicotine in the bloodstream that is causing the effects, not anything in the stomach. Might just be me, but my smoking buddy had exactly the same findings.
Also, nicotine overdose threshold is evidently not only based on body mass, since I'm a 140lb manlet and my other 350lb lardass friend was far more likely to get sick from the same or even lesser amount of smoking.
Tabletop pipe im working on. Have a 4' braided hose will be using.
>>1175389 You get the idea
How often do you guys clean your pipes?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1175389 >>1175393 Damn! thats fucking sweet dude!
>>1175432 run a cleaner through them after smoking, if it gets real gunked up i´m just gonna take it to the store and have professionals do it while also supporting my local businesses
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>>1175432 Every couple of smokes, or every smoke, depending on the pipe. Run a pipe cleaner through, give the bowl a quick sweep with the clean end of the pipe cleaner curved into a loop, and wipe down the tenon since some moisture usually shows up there.
If I smoked more, I'd probably clean them more often, but as it stands I get maybe a couple times a week in the summer and nothing in the winter.
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>>1175432 I tend to run a cleaner through the mouth piece and stem once I'm done with a pipe; I scrape the ash from the bowl, give it a shake with my thumb over it and dump the ash. I'll give the bowl a clean with a twisted pipe cleaner or a tissue every so often, but i'm still trying to build up cake in pretty much all of them at this point.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1174875 i had a tin and i loved it, need to pick up some more sometime, definitely my second favorite tobacco so far. pic related
>>1175043 always liked smoked stuff. as retarded as it sounds, i was honestly disappointed when i had my first cigar that it didn't taste like smoked herring! never smoked cigarettes because they smelled fucking vile. as an adult ive smoked maybe 8 cigarettes and yes, they are vile. but i fell in love with the taste of actual tobacco. now all that need to happen is taht someone makes a tobacco that tasted like smoked herring and vinegar and i would be in heaven!
>>1175087 looking great! are you using any "method" of breaking in, or just doing what people did for ages before the internet and just smoking it?
>>1175195 take it slow, like, waaay slower then you expect, and im not talking about the individual smoke, i may be a slow learner, but it took atleast 2 years before i really started to get a "feel" for pipe smoking, like when to tap, when to relight, how tight to pack etc etc
make sure your surroundings are enjoyable and take your time. watch some youtube video, or even better, if you have a local tobacco store or lounge go ask them! its a dying hobby so they should welcome you! also, whats your setup?
>>1174915 The bowl prior to that was heavy with perique, maybe its an orange juice/toothpaste type situation?
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Got this ammo can for $4 at rural king. Holds tons of tobacco and is airtight.
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>>1174152 (continued from last thread) I'd be months away from being of legal age, if California hadn't raised the age by three years. Kinda funny how cannabis is so much easier than pipe tobacco to get under the table.
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>>1175432 Mouthpiece and stem, every time.
Bowl almost never for my briars.
Meerschaums are a different story. They get cleaned every time.
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>>1175497 >smoked herring and vinegar Ved ikke om det med fiskesmagen, men Mac Barens Latakia Flake smager meget af eddike og rog for mig. Måske mere i retningen af en roget BBQ sauce. Virkelig værd at prove.
>>1175601 Very likely. I (like many) try to keep separate pipes for separate tobaccos.
Gunny !!8hTWL0Pw7Uv
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I clean with pipe cleaners often. However I rarely clean the inside of my pipes. Removing the cake layer inside a pipe, especially briar pipes, is bad for the life of the pipe and the quality of the smoke. However, if you DO need to clean one out for whatever reason, rubbing alcohol and regular table salt works best. Soaking stems in bleach removes gunk and foul tastes as well. If your stem is made of vulcanite it WILL leave a slightly rougher, but not unpleasant, texture to it though.
>>1175497 >Riding around that weird fucking city bike and smoking a pipe Youre a rolling stereotype
>>1175839 >city bike He's a European. Do you expect him to drive a pickup and use chew?
>>1175497 Just smoking it. No technique or anything, just smoking and relaxing.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1175839 Dont hate on my bike! it makes a lovely rest for Peterson Irish flake!
>>1176094 i mean, it is kinda the pickup of the bike world
>>1176339 good to hear your having a relaxing time!
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>>1174856 >no weed allowed Aww you'll be okay little boy scout. Sheesh.
>>1175432 Depends on what you mean by clean.
My pipes get the dottle dumped and the moisture swabbed with a cleaner after every smoke. When they have dried out for a week or so and three or more pipes are in this state I will swab the stems and shanks with an alcohol soaked cleaner. Nickel and silver get polished with Flitz and coated with Ren wax as needed, about every couple of months. Vulcanite stems get Ren waxed as well at the same time. This whole process on three pipes takes 10 minutes normally and about 15 when polishing and waxing the metal and stems is included.
I don't buy estate pipes and all of my pipes are dedicated to prevent ghosts, so deep cleaning is something that almost never needs to be done.
>>1176482 I almost exclusively buy estates, and the first thing I do is clean them out COMPLETELY with pipe cleaners and iso alcohol.
Most of the time it just needs a decent once-over, but sometimes it can take up to 4 separate cleaning sessions before all of the books and crannies come out completely clean. Incidentally, those pipes tend to be the ones that smoke the best
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>>1176513 I used to buy estates and did a similar process. Salt/alcohol, reaming, etc. Whatever it needed. Then I realized how popular 1-Q and other flavored tobacco is and finally understood why so many of my estates never tasted right. They had the pipe AIDS, would always taste like a vanilla/cherry soaked asshole, and weren't ever coming back.
Time is money, and for me at least, estates cost more than new.
What is /out/'s preferred method to pack flake tobacco? Got my first tin of Samuel and Gawith Navy Flake and I smoked one bowl by breaking the flake apart and doing the usual 3 pack method but a bit looser to let it expand. Worked quite well. I tried the fold and stuff method for another bowl but it seemed like their was just so much of an air gap in my bowl and it wouldn't stay lit. I'm still fairly new with pipe tobacco but I'm enjoying it a lot so far. My favourites have been Dunhill 3 Year Virginia, 965 and this Navy Flake, what should I get next? Preferably high in nicotine and not a latakia bomb.
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>>1176590 Depends on the flake, the pipe, and how you want to smoke. I usually break it up a bit for even burning while driving. Sometimes a fold and stuff is best for a particular blend.
You should get Dunhill Flake next.
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>>1176590 Fold and stuff is the best way for me. My favourite flake is Gawith's Winter Time Flake; it's a delicious English flake.
>>1174856 Can you really buy pipes at drug stores? I’ve never seen them there but then again I’ve also never looked for them there. Were’s a good place to buy a pipe? I live in North Carolina.
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This Tom Thumb sold by Danny Boy Pipes is my one and only for /out/. It's small, therefore light, and not really anything on here to break, so it can be tossed pretty carelessly around. Took it on 3-week backpacking trip on the AT. Served me very well. More comfortable to hold than you'd think. I'm not an avid smoker so I only smoke Captain Black when I do bother to get any tobacco, but I use it pretty frequently when backpacking. Smoking forces me to stop and sit down for a minute.
>>1174856 >Get a Missouri Meerschaum Legend corncob pipe >add meerschaum in the name >made of corncob posted from my Apple Galaxy S8
>>1175043 chewing tobacco yellows your teeth and makes your breath smell like shit. Its for working class white trash.
>>1176889 Can confirm. People who dip are the kind of motherfuckers that leave soda bottles full of their disgusting dip spit on the shelf at Walmart and brag about their new lifted F-350.
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>>1177038 One time I went to a tractor pull. There was a kid sitting near me, no older than 10 years old, with chew in his mouth. I even heard him asking his dad for some fresh skoal.
That's basically child abuse in my book. But hey maybe that's the only way they could get the little shit to stay quiet.
>>1177038 I'll bite. These people give dippers/chewers a bad name, just like cigarette smokers do the same to cigar/pipe smokers. I like some Levi Garrett/Redman every now and then, especially when on the road for extended periods of time, but have never been that guy to leave my spit bottles laying around for other people to clean up.
>>1175116 >The ritualistic nature of it forces you to slow down and take your time with it, almost like an act of meditation Same as rolling a doobski. And the added bonus is, at the end, you have a doobski and not some shitty pipe.
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>>1177091 >The impact of cannabis on the human mind. Anonymous
>>1177091 I pity you. You probably don't even understand what you've lost.
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>>1177091 Why are weedbros so antagonistic towards smoking?
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>>1177091 >Ayyy weed lmao Neck yourself you fucking normie
>>1177161 Wow cool a diagram. If i smoke a pipe will i become Einstein just like you?
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>>1177186 Einstein did indeed smoke a pipe
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>>1177186 I'm afraid you'll never match my intellect, but you may perchance gain a modicum of class.
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>>1177074 This. Redman is delicious
>>1176888 >I don’t know how brand names work Besides, they smoke better than briars.
Why would any brand want to associate themselves with an inferior product?
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>>1177301 >They smoke better than briars. That's very debatable. The only reason they smoke nicely is because of the plaster-of-paris lining in the bowls. You put that in a cheap briar and they smoke just as nicely and a well broken in briar in my opinion tastes better than an MM. They're still good cheap pipes though; I've been tempted to pick up a MacArthur just to have a super long smoke with one.
I've got 2 MMs, a Brighams and a Vauen and I find my cobs smoke better. The Brighams seems like it has a mechanical issue where the airflow is terrible when the stem is put in all the way. I have to pull the stem out a bit or else there's no airflow at all.
Picked up this guy on fleabay. Repairing the meerschaum lining. Planning to keep this as my innawoods pipe.
Is a clay pipe a good starter for pipe smoking? I found a nice one for about 20 bucks
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>>1177618 I don't see why not. They are rather fragile but if you like the style go for it. $20 can get you about any pipe you want if you look around the internet.
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>>1177618 Yeah, clays are great you just need to be careful with them.
>>1177587 Never had that problem; but then I always take the filters and stingers out of my briars.
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>>1177618 Clay pipes are fantastic, but they're very fragile and get very hot around the bowl; neither of which is a real problem though. They also will discolour quickly and you may find tar bubbling up around the bowl and the stem; again, not a problem, just something they do.
What they're great for is a clean tasting tobacco smoke and if you get a longer stemmed one, a cool one as the clay radiates heat fantastically.
>>1177641 Happens without the filter too. I think I just got a bad pipe that made it through quality inspection as I've smoked a friends Brigham that's the exact same model as mine and it smoked really well and the filter system those pipes use worked great.
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>>1175043 Everything from the rich flavour to the relaxing atmosphere it creates. Its incredibly enjoyable for me and tastes 100% better than any modern cigarettes. I'd pick the flavour of a rich tobacco over majority of the foods any day.
>>1175432 Every time after smoking, at least the hole. Doesn't have to be with a brush or any kind of solvent.
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>>1177651 Try drilling out the hole to make it a little wider.
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>>1177618 If you want it get it.
Clay breaks, but if you can live with that, they are great.
>>1175796 I hadnt realized it was a latakia blend, Id no idea what i was tasting. I can see why people describe it as a peppery flavour but this is more like sour incense to me, perique is enough for me i think. Fruity spicy, delish
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>>1177853 Latakia tastes/smells like some sort of strange incense to me as well. I gotta be in the mood for it which is rare.
>>1177596 Snazzy. Is there a specific name for that style with the lining?
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>>1174856 Peterson- Christmas gift from me lady. Exceptional smoking pipe. I prefer tobacco from my local tobacconist that has been blending/selling there for generations. Local culture. I love to smoke Out- campfire side. Etc. I smoke on the local lake- canoe summer. Smoke on the ice in winter. While I don't inhale smoke, when I release smoke from mouth, I'll often inhale some smoke into my nose. I don't know if that is recommended but it's a habit that I enjoy. I used to get compliments on the smell of the smoke at my local until smoking in public was banned. I still smoke on the patio in summer though. Very enjoyable, ritualistic tradition with style and flavor.
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>>1177907 Thank you. The pipe is a bent bulldog. Some might call it a Rhodesian because it is lacking the radiator lines on the bowl, but I consider it a bulldog because of the diamond shank.
Some briar pipes have a meerschaum lining. It is perhaps a higher-end option. I was drawn to this because I really like the look and feel of briar in my hand, and I wanted to get the meerschaum effect. It is more porous than briar and provides a better smoke, but idk about that. As far as I understand, meerschaum and plaster of Paris are nearly the same, so that is what I used to repair a few cracks.
Plaster of paris goes into the MM corncob pipes to make the bowl a bit more solid and better smoker.
>>1174856 >no weed allowed) Wtf? What exactly you have against it?
bitches love my water pipe. I have a big collection of smoke related artifacts but I'm going to abstain from posting it as a protest for the weed phobia in the op
>>1177940 It's just we don't care about weed. We like the tradition of pipes, pipes tobacco and such. We are pipe enthusiasts. Coming here to chat weed is like a drift car enthusiast going to a mustang driver club and forcing them all to listen to you blab about special sliding tires or whatever. It's not that one is cooler than the other it's just the site is broken down into pages of interest and they might have some commonalities, but they are not the same.
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>>1177944 Wow weird alien fingers.
>>1177940 I have nothing against weed I'd just rather have this thread in particular be about tobacco.
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>>1177940 Weed isn't /out/, it's for soyboys who only play video games/watch anime all day
>>1177959 the thread is about pipes
I don't smoke pot but the pipes are pretty
this board is so slow what's the harm in more people bumping the thread?
>>1178192 Well, it's about smoking tobacco in the outdoors and related subjects; pipes are however the best way to consume tobacco in my opinion.
>>1177952 this pipe is beautiful regardless of what goes in it
be enthused at the art
>>1178193 pipes are great for lots of stuff
and they're all interesting in their own way
this thread is about smoking a pipe outside
if your crack pipe is nice enough to be worth posting I want to see that too
>>1178197 I'm happy to talk about cigars and such; I've just got very little experience with them because a good cigar costs the same as a tin of very good pipe tobacco.
>>1178199 cigars are cool too
my grandpa gave me something about 5 inch long and very slim with a turtle on the band when my son was born in 2002 and I wish I could ask him what kind it was now(he dedz)
it tasted like warm cocoa with a little scotch in it
never found anything that tastes the same
I just figure if we're all smoking outside might as well socialize
>>1175043 To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand why they smoke pipe.
is rolling your own cigarettes /out/proved or is it just pipe smoking?
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>>1178232 Not really; it taste good, it's convenient as fuck and it's cheap-ish.
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>>1178236 Depends on the tobacco you used.
>>1178194 That is not a "pipe". That is a dildo, and you know where to put it.
Hey fellas, I got a question for ya So I've been pipe smoking my Missouri corn cob for a while now, and the stem finally gave out and came too loose to smoke out of. No biggie right? Well my dad's gf saw it and gave me this old pipe. Im just wondering what it is, possible age, etc. Really cool gift, plus the clover/clubs is kinda my thing I put on all things I own and it's really awesome that that's here.
>>1178543 Very hard to see in a pic, but it says "Kaywoodie" and underneath in smaller letters "natural briar"
>>1178546 Emblem on the stem
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>>1178300 Have you never heard the phrase "laying pipe"?
>>1178543 >>1178546 >>1178549 https://pipedia.org/wiki/Kaywoodie Nice pipe. Clean it up and it'll be super nice. Youtube how to clean it, there are tons of vids.
>>1178543 Nice pipe.
Like the other guy said, that’s a Kaywoodie. They’re a good USA brand.
That mouthpiece is hard rubber (my favorite kind) and pretty oxidized. You can clean off the oxidation with a magic eraser pad and some warm water. Just try to avoid the logo.
>>1178593 >>1178585 Thanks fellas, I like it alot.
Would the oxidation harm anything? I kind of like the look of it.
Also I can't seem to find any of them that have this rough texture to the bowl, I'm new to any that aren't cobs so is that normal to have different looking bowls that are somewhat unique?
>>1178543 >>1178691 If you look up "Kaywoodie natural burl", I'm pretty sure that's the pipe model you have.
That rough texture is called "rustication". Rusticated pipes are usually not as knobbly as that one, though. It's usually achieved by digging little bits out of the surface of the bowl, with chisels, special rustication tools, or even a dremel, to get that rough and pitted look.
>>1178691 The oxidation contains sulphur and it's disgusting. It looks nasty too. Get rid of it. At this point a buffer would be the best tool for the job.
>>1178691 It has a mild sour taste to it and doesn't look too good; best to get rid of it as the other anons have said.
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>>1178691 Also, yeah; rustification is very common; it tends to be a lot harsher on cheaper pipes, like that, because they use less attractive briar and sandblast the hell out of it. It doesn't damage the pipe at all.
Not my cup of tea personally appearance wise but nothing wrong with it.
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>>1178705 Oh shit I've been thinking it said "natural briar" on the bottom and couldn't find anything, thanks anon
>>1178764 >>1178775 Alright will do, thanks a ton guys
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>>1178691 If you like the oxidation on the mouthpiece you can keep it. It won’t harm anything.
Or if you don’t want to taste it, you can at least knock the worst of it off around the bit where your mouth goes.
It’s your pipe, do what you want with it.
I believe rustification is a tooled effect. Sandblast finish is a different process.
>>1174856 take the snus pill
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>>1178799 That's great, but not available here. Best we can get is General pouches. The mint and wintergreen are disgusting snd the white has that shitty bergamot flavor. They are all portions too. Portions suck. Natural tobacco loose snus would be great, but the only thing for sale is candy flavored pouches. Illegal to mail order.
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Has anyone here tried Greve Hamiltons?
Whenever I get drunk I stop giving a fuck and just inhale the smoke from my pipe. Am I going to die
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>>1179015 Yes; it's not good to do.
>>1179015 >am I going to die? I mean. .. yea?
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>>1179015 I never could work out how to inhale tobacco even when I was just having the odd cigarette because I liked the taste of tobacco as I had a drink. So pipe smoking was perfect for me. I've become drunk as a lord and not really inhaled anything.
Is there any tips or tricks for smoking pipe outside? Whenever I try to smoke my cob even the slightest breeze makes it hot and I just get leather tongue without tasting anything.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Back on the delicious peterson Irish flake enjoying an overnighter
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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This time with the meerschaum too! Just cause your brittle doesn't mean you can't enjoy the outdoors!
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got a shitment from denmark with a new field pipe and some tobacco to go with it looking forward to using it in the summer in particular
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>>1179160 That's a nice looking pipe anon
Why didn't tobacco smokers ever invent a carb for these pipes? Are their minds too addled from all the nicotine or something? The carb is vital for controlling how much smoke you get with each puff and preventing smoke from getting trapped inside between puffs and gunking up your piece. If this sounds appealing to you, it's an easy modification to make. Just use a steady hand to drill into your pipe directly below the reservoir until you reach the hollow space within. Congrats, you just advanced your pipe's technological level by thousands of years.
>>1179396 You don't take a "hit" with tobacco pipe. The goal is not to get a bunch of smoke in your lungs. Weed bongs are gay as hell.
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>>1179396 No pipe is large enough to warrant a carb. And I own a shit ton of pipes.
Pipes can simply be pulled through until the bowl is completely ashed and clean air begins coming through. There is never enough chamber space inside a pipe to warrant a carb.
Your bowl still smoking but your lungs are full? Pack smaller bowls, fucknugget.
Now bongs, bongs do occasionally need a carb, because there will be times where you accidentally pack too much into the bowl. It’s harder to judge how much to pack in a larger bong bowl.
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>>1179403 I guarantee you more females have put their lips to my "weed bong" than have ever even seen your outdated lung cancer machine.
>>1179403 I guarantee more females have put their lips to my "gay as hell weed bong" than have ever even seen your dinosaur of a pipe
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>>1179451 Exactly how it should be. Pipe smoking is a man's hobby. Women can stick to weed, as they have fewer brain cells to worry about.
>>1179015 Yes, eventually.
Just like everyone else does.
>>1179396 They already did.
In the 1940s, long before the hippies ever thought about it
>>1179567 side carb is superior
bottom carb like that just ends up dripping tar
>>1179590 Not if the carb sticks up slightly from the bottom of the bowl, like it does.
>>1179593 I guess that would help
still a weird placement though
side carbs are supposed to sit where your thumb goes naturally so you can cap the carb and control the air
I feel like i might burn my finger with it right under the bowl piece and would have to hold it funny
>>1179609 sidecarbs are nice
I smoked tobacco out of a pipe like this with a bit deeper bowl for years
>>1179663 it was the pipe I had,and if it isn't broke why fix it?
>>1179670 It didn't get too hot or anything?
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>>1179678 nope worked great
real easy to clean out as well due to the transparency and relative nonstick quality of the glass
>>1179403 >The goal is not to get a bunch of smoke in your lungs tf is the point then
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Nice thick ice on the lake this morning. Oatmeal. coffee and a nice pipe. Now that's breakfast in the woods!
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Found Some bunkers. No Idea what they are for
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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And a big TV tower
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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At the base of the tower
S.T.A.L.KE .R vibe to this place
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1179811 Munitions and or fuel. Probably was an airstrip near there.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Is it just me or has the quality of Peterson dropped? Round tins instead of square. No picture of Peterson on the seal. Tobacco seems less "oily" .. maybe I just got a tin on the dry side Still taste great though
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>>1179855 I haven't smoked Peterson, but they've probably had to adjust for the new EU regulations.
>smoke cigs >catch beard on fire >smoke pipe >dapper chap coming through
>>1179878 I really wish pipe smoking would ditch this 'fops with beards pretending to be Edwardian' gentlemen image. I honestly think it's objectively the best way to consume tobacco; certainly the best way to smoke it, but people just don't seem to be interested in it. I've taken pipes with me while going out for drinks, to work, outdoors hiking, shooting, etc, driving and so on; they just work so incredibly well in all this circumstances, the tobacco one typically smokes in them tastes and smells better and you've got all the advantages of a pipe as well; the smoke lasts very long compared to a cigarette or even a cigar; I rarely go under 45 minutes for a loaded pipe and have kept a single pipe going for nearly two hours before needing to refill it. It's ridiculously handy; you have a pipe in your pocket and as long as you keep it well tamped, or have a cap to put on it, you don't get ash in the pocket, so you can just put it away when you need to go somewhere you can't smoke (like say, inside a pub for another beer) and then light it out or even just draw on it again when you come out depending on how long it takes. For smoking time to cost ratio, it literally can't be beat; cigarettes, even roll-ups go too quickly and cost nearly as much as a tin of really nice tobacco and you can pick up perfectly usable good pipes for under £20. People who smoke seem to like the smell of it, so do others. It's also a lot less habit forming than cigarettes and far cheaper than cigars. Yet it just seems to have died away for no reason I can really understand.
>>1179897 The only thing I can say about traditional tobacco pipes is that they look better and smell better than everything else. I'm not a smoker myself, but I carve a pipe or two a year.
>>1179897 Also the absolute best thing pipes are for is driving. Holy fuck; I remember being in cars with people smoking cigarettes; the ash got everywhere, they were driving with one hand, you had problems with embers falling off and burning the upholsterly. When I started smoking my pipes, I could just get in the car, light the pipe up, keep a tamper and a lighter handy on the dash and just puff away happily with the pipe clenched in my teeth. No ash spilling anywhere, no need to take both hands of the wheel except for when you need to tamp or the odd relight, both of which I did at traffic lights and you never had to worry about embers burning holes in anything.
Another thing, and it might be a bit snobbish of me, but with pipe smoking, you don't get cigarette butts everywhere; all you get is a small bit of ash which you can just tap out into an ashtray or scrape out with a pipe tool; if more people smoked pipes instead of cigarettes, you'd have far less cigarette butts on the streets.
>>1179900 The main problem I think with pipes is the aesthetic. I got into them purely because of the tobacco taste; but I've become a fan of how they look. However people just associate pipes with old fashioned stuff; I'm not saying that wooden pipes aren't fantastic; my pipe collection is pretty much briars with one clay and one pear wood all in very conventional designs; mostly billiards with a few bent billiards, a poker and a pot, but it's the image people associate with them that puts a lot of people off I think. That and it's very hard for people to run into pipes or pipe tobacco these days. If all you do is buy cigarettes from newsagents or petrol stations, you'll never get a chance to see one and pick them up. It seems to be mostly people who get interested in pipes and then seek them out.
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>>1179906 The cigarette butt thing is also why pipes are great for /out/ stuff; no leaving litter behind or having to keep a bag full of smoked cigarettes on you. Just a tiny amount of ash, scattered to the wind most times.
>>1179906 True, I saw an increase in pipe usage after the LOTR movies, but the latest craze of vaping seems to be killing pipes and cigarettes. I haven't seen a legit cig or pipe for about 2 years now. Everyone is either using vapes, gum, or patches. Which makes sense I suppose. It's been nice not smelling cig smoke everywhere I go. Back in the 1980s everything smelled like smoke. Like literally everywhere you'd go, except in school of course.
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>>1179921 But pipes would be better for you because you don't take the smoke into your lungs. Cigs would be worse for the throat and lungs than pipe smoking.
So where do people stand on the filter issue? For years I've taken the stingers out of my pipes, but I'm thinking of using some philtpads or clay granules in some pipes for flakes and such to see if they help.
So I'd like to take up smoking but I don't want people to think I smell.
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>>1179943 Well, there's a few ways around that.
1. Smoke outdoors and don't smoke in clothes you wear often; get a cheap jumper and pull it on while you smoke and take it off afterwards.
2. Shower and brush your teeth after you smoke. 3. Pick tobacco with a good room note so if you do smell of smoke, it's a nice smoke and not a harsh cigarette stink.
>>1179942 I find filters remove the moisture from the smoke. Stingers don't seem to do much, maybe make the pipe gargle a bit.
I like filters.
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>>1179952 I'll add some philtpads to the next order and try them out then.
>>1179015 You shouldn't be smoking when you're drinking anyway.
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>>1179965 I know but beer and tobacco just go together so damn well.
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>>1179038 >>1179564 You guys have Asperger's.
>>1179914 Pipe's haven't been popular for 60 years since the cigarette took over. About a month ago I began to vape and find it pleasing and enjoy being able to vape indoors when its 5*F outside.
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>>1180138 I agree, vaping can be quite pleasant. I gave up on it though after a few months as it was getting a little expensive and didn't really satisfy me the way a pipe smoke does. Also I was vaping way too much, so convenient that I had it in my hand constantly.
Got the meerschaum lining all cleaned up and took the oxidation off the stem. I'll be smoking this tonight after letting it cure a bit longer.
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>>1180138 I smoke my pipe indoors, even in rented places; you just stop the month before the lease is up and the smell goes.
>>1180169 Looking very nice.
Why did the hotpockets delete the weed thread? Do they not know that it's legal in some form in most states?
>>1180275 Federally it's still illegal which trumps state law
>>1180289 It's also illegal in most countries.
>>1180289 >>1180292 So is train hopping and being a homeless bum, but those threads strive here weekly. Whats your point?
>>1180295 I think we are just not interested in weed. You stoners are all the same. Yeah we get it weed is great.
>>1180296 The weed thread was moving faster than this thread ever will bud.
Hell the only reason this thread is getting bumped right now is to discuss it.
>>1180296 Must be a heavy burden speaking for all of 4chan
>>1180292 It's not illegal to talk about it
>tfw the only /out/ aspect of these threads is saying you occasionally smoke tobacco while outdoors How is comparing your wooden dildos /out/ related in the first place?
>>1180302 >occasionally Try most of the time, for most smokers. There are 149 other active threads on /out/ right now, so you're welcome to ignore this one if it upsets you so.
>>1180315 Smoking on your moms front porch and smoking /out/ is not the same thing, kid.
>>1180317 The people ITT are /out/ posters, my dude. Stop being a nigger.
>>1180319 Yeah and them smoking something doesn't have anything to do with the outdoors, yet the threads still exist, you dumb racist.
>>1180355 >getting upset at people saying "nigger" on 4chan This your first day here or something?
>>1180358 >getting upset at being called a racist on 4chan This your first day here or something?
>>1180367 Lefty/pol/ please go.
/pipegen/ help, who was that guy who wrote about camping and survival, really old book, nor mors kochanski, like real old, i had his works on pdf once and it was great info, he smoked a pipe a lot. he invented some sort of hatchet maybe? cant even remember if it was that guy ... anyone know?
>>1180368 >>1180374 >2018 >Saying nigger Hows minecraft coming along?
>>1180498 Never played it, nigger.
>>1180501 Okay bud, you're believed. Go back to looking for your diamonds.
>tfw suburban whiteboi saying nigger anonymously on the internet No wonder you're being bred out, brah.
>>1180501 short minded kids belong to
>>>/pol/ Anonymous
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Anyone have luck ordering from Pipes and Cigars under 21? I’m 18 but my order seems to be stuck in confirmation limbo right now. Thanks all
>>1180508 What the hell is /pol/ about that?
You're /pol/ for bringing up politics and racism into here just because someone said nigger.
Go back to your culture war bullshit and leave us alone.
>>1180504 Racism doesn't belong on /out/ go back to /pol/, nigger.
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>>1180504 >Presume colour of skin, >Presume attitude, location, etc because of skin >Make snide about being bred out. Now that's racism.
>>1180515 Now that's racism.
>>1180299 Who cares! A thread doesn't have to move fast to be enjoyable. Idc if a thread that I'm not interested in moves "fast", such as your weed threads
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>>1180300 Shut up, not adding anything to this thread. I've made several quality posts about pipes, and again, nobody gives a shit about your stupid addiction to weed
>>1180504 What's a nigger doing /outside ? I like going /out/ because it's a white thing to do.
>>1180516 >>1180537 >>1180540 >damage control levels at an all time high Anonymous
>>1180545 >Damage controls >Anons telling you to stop Shitting up a thread because you don't like it and people telling you to stop being a hypocrite is damage control. Anonymous
This is a bit ridiculous that we can't chat about pipes without being shitbombed by others because our topic of choice is not fast-paced or interesting enough. Please go back to your folding shovel threads.
>>1180567 Maybe you should go to the appropriate board to discuss your retarded cancer causes hobby.
>>1180575 Where would that be? This board has been deemed most on topic for said hobby.
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>>1180575 Everything causes cancer.
>>1180580 Just because you're forced to go outside because normal people don't enjoy that disgusting shit, doesn't mean /out/ is the appropriate board for this /b/ tier subject.
>>1180565 >shitting up a shit thread Anonymous
>>1180588 Tell me how a folding shovel is more /out/ than a pipe? By your logic any gear thread is just as /out/ as pipes because you can fold up a shovel indoors, or you could use a sleeping bag indoors etc...
>>1180596 Who exactly is bringing up folding shovels aside from your autistic ass?
did you ever fap while you pipeing?
Anyone else get a new pipe recently? Pic related
>>1180637 Due to our increased IQ and intellect, I doubt the simpletons that are weed smokers understand that stellar burn you just gave them.
How do you guys clean your pipes while /out/ for a long time? On my last hike I was out for 29 days and never really went anywhere near a shop that sold pipe cleaners. I ended up using twigs, bits of bracken, and the like to give my pipe a rough clean now and then. I really don't want the solution to be 'packs a months worth of pipe cleaners' Also I'm starting an AT thru hike attempt in March and was wondering whether I would pass any decent tobacco shops on route or whether I should stock my bounce box with tobacco. My current go to it Nightcap.
>>1180655 I've never been hiking for 29 days; honestly a pack of pipe cleaners would be fine; they're light weight, you get about a hundred of them, just clean your pipe once a day and you'll be more than set.
>>1180655 You don't have to clean it every day, that's just what Big Pipe Cleaner wants you to believe
>>1180663 Do you re-use your pipe cleaners?
>>1180665 I rarely clean my pipe, which has been making me feel guilty, thought it would be grown up of me to start cleaning it some more!
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>>1180485 i remembered, it was George Washington Sears "Nessmuk" in "WOODCRAFT AND CAMPING"
>https://www.gutenberg.org/files/34607/34607-h/34607-h.htm Anonymous
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>>1180676 No; but I tend to be a bit more lazy about cleaning them out; I'll typically clean them at the end of the day.
>>1180641 If you could put on a trip so everyone could filter your low energy /b/-tier shitposting, that would be greatly appreciated.
>>1180717 Honestly blocking this thread every time it's created gets rid of just about all the /b/ tier shitpostin on /out/
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>>1180719 >ban things I don't like! >legalize weed man, prohibition doesn't work! The absolute state of pothead intelligence.
but yeah how do you store your pipe(s)? searching for hard case atm
>>1180762 I have a pipe rack for most of my pipes, plus two pipe stands; pipes get placed in the rack, on the rack or on the stand.
When I'm out and about, I keep them in a two-pipe soft leather pouch, or just put one in a pocket.
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>>1180485 Could be Horace Kephart, pic related, though his signature implement is a knife.
Townsend Whelen also smoked a pipe and wrote well-regarded books about going /out/. He’s more famous as a gun writer though.
>>1180772 a waterproof container could be the best choice. also less smell.
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>>1180762 When /out/, a plain old ziplock bag works great and weighs basically nothing.
>>1180789 I don't mind the smell at all; I like it actually. It also helps the pipes air out after you've used them.
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>>1180762 I was going to make a fancy box for all my pipes, but I got bored halfway through so the inside is completely unfinished and the outside still needs varnish. Still works as a box though. Maybe this year I'll finally complete it.
For going out, I made some velvet pouches with drawstrings. And I have a latex-lined lambskin pouch for carrying tobacco.
>>1180813 As long as it's good veg-tanned leather you have a point
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>>1180837 I don't keep the pipes in the leather case; that's just for keeping them safe in a bag or pocket. I keep them out in the open on the rack otherwise.
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>>1175214 W..What? Why wouldn't you keep them in the matchbox?
>>1181016 Why not just buy an estate from smoking pipes or some such?
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>>1181023 Never heard of the website. From Canada but ill give it a look, canadian dollar is shit for us too.
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>>1176653 I see them in every riteaid. Either behind the counter or hanging with the lighters
Comfortable Sunday night in.
>>1179811 Jeg tænker du er i store dyrehave.
Det er ammo-bunkere, der tilhorer Forsvaret. Livgarden har korende patruljer til bunkerne du ser på billedet.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1181367 ja det var der jeg var, cool at vide hvad de er til!
>>1181073 What do you think about Nightcap?
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>>1175116 I know there are lots of gunnys out there, but are you gunny z? I really want you to be, only guy I knew who smoked a pipe.
Snowy days may be magical, but I do like my warm winter days down here in the South. Now to figure out how to get the fish to bite this time of year...
>>1182491 As someone up here in the North, I can categorically say that snowy days are bullshit. I'd happily trade all of my winter for warm weather year round, especially since everything I enjoy doing (such as having a pipe and a book in the garden) is a summer activity.
Been so damn cold this winter I have rarely enjoyed a good pipe. Past couple times I've stepped out for a lunt only to give up because my hands are freezing off. I get a smoke about once a week but I have a pipe in my hands every night as I relax. Really like fidgeting w it and holding it in my mouth and tasting the tobacco ghosts. Anyone else do this when they can't smoke?
>>1182656 I just wish we could have more than three days of snow a year here.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1182491 Denmark averages 170 days of rain a year.
Denmark averages 1,495 hours of sunshine a year
Sunrise 08:26
Sunset 16:13
What kills me most about winter is that it is so dark all the time. I get up It's dark. I go home. It's dark. You feel like you get nothing done.
Snow almost never lasts more then a few hours before turning to rain
Cloudy and moist all the time.
Not great pipe weather
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>>1182728 I'd rather go to the snow, than have it come to me every goddamn year for months at a time. Grass is always greener on the other side, I suppose. Although in this case, it's literally true...
Ever smoked inside your tent?
>>1182766 Only if the weather is garbage.
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>>1182754 So take up an indoor craft, like wood carving or leatherworking or weaving. Making your own gear is rewarding.
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>>1182676 Yeah; I've been doing this since I've moved.
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>>1182452 Spicy and smokey
>>1182770 with the tent door closed? how much smoke came out from the vent ports? i am interested in this for photography reasons. how smokey did it get inside the tent?
Went for a smoke when it was near -15F, after I came in, I noticed this white discoloration on the shank. What’s up with this?
>>1183311 Has it gone away as the pipe has warmed back up?
Clear finishes turning milky temporarily is a common side effect of drastic temperature changes.
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>>1183321 Yup, been a daily smoke since the event. Good to know that that’s a temperature issue though.
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anyone checkin out those new savinelli pipes?
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>>1183151 Mine is a 2-man generic dome tent I picked up for like $30, so it's pretty small and has no dedicated vent flaps. I started with it zipped, and it was quite smoky so I opened the door a bit. It's pretty much exactly what you'd expect.
Which of your pipes smokes the best /pipegen/ Would love Pictures if possible thanks!
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>>1183546 As much as I like my briars and as good as they smoke, the only one that keeps up with my MM 5th Ave Diplomats with aftermarket vulcanite stems is a Briarworks poker. Even then, I always have a pipe cleaner handy with the Briarworks to sop up a little moisture, something I don't ever need to do with the MM. I bought the MMs as backups or work pipes, but they have quickly become favorites for all settings and one of them is always in my bag. Changing the stems made a huge difference. MM stems are not my favorite.
I think that the way the shank joins at the heel of the MM cobs allows moisture to be trapped at the bottom instead of gurgling or being sucked into the stem.
>>1183546 These are my best pipes.
The billiard is a Saxon Exclusive while the bent is a Saxon Essex; both were rejects/seconds that were being sold off by an ebay seller a few years ago. I wish I had bought both as I got both brand new for under £10. They work best with ribbon and shag cuts and smoke wonderfully; I like the thinner mouthbit I've found than larger ones; feels better in the mouth and easier to clench.
The little pocket briar is sold as a Stonehaven by GQ Tobaccos. It's a fantastic pipe; it smokes flakes, ribbon, shag, whatver I put into it and it's so small and handy that it's probably the pipe I smoke the most especially if I'm out and about.
The clay pipe is a Brosely and used to be a churchwarden, but it got shattered; however it still smokes great; albeit a little hotter to the taste. Really nice clear flavours with it.
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>>1183625 I wish I had bought more rather.
>>1183546 Why are churchwarden pipes so fucking aesthetic? I've never smoked in my life but just looking at one makes me want to start.
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>>1183701 They’re pretty cumbersome for daily smoking, but you’re right they do look good.
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>>1183701 Not sure about their aesthetic quality, but they smoke really well; the long stem lets the smoke cool down and stops you from puffing away too fast. They're a bit awkward but deliver the best smokes.
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>>1183701 I thought they looked nice as well, before I was a pipe smoker. Now I think they look retarded.
Colder than it looks today, but I can’t complain. At least I’m outside. I also never thought I’d like Prince Albert, but lo amd behold. When I’m not a know-nothing beginner anymore, it tastes ok. Also, it is supremely unfussy. A great /out/ tobacco.
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>>1183701 It’s probably the LOTR association.
On film they’re aesthetic because you can still see the actors talking while they smoke. IRL, they’re not bad to smoke, they’re just not as readily portable as a regular-sized pipe, and sometimes that matters.
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>>1183546 My Butz-Choquin meme pipe, I'd say. All the benefits of a long churchwarden, plus a large air chamber for further cooling of the smoke. Pic related but not mine, it's pretty much identical though.
>>1183701 They're not only aesthetic, but optimal for reading. If you do a lot of smoking at home (like I do, I rarely smoke outside the house unless I'm innawoods), a churchwarden is perfect.
>>1178300 >>1178232 I wish there didnt have to be arguing about which side is superior in this comfy ass thread.
>be me >sitting with friends on special occasion >smoke some marijuana >light pipes >break out the fancy liquor >relax, talk, and enjoy ourselves Why does one hobby always have to be better than another? Do what you enjoy, and accept that others will do the same. If you arent going to be comfy
>git out Anonymous
>>1183936 This is true, but you will note that these threads are specifically about tobacco pipes and the smoking thereof. Not about pipes for crack, weed, opium, or plumbing. The conflict almost always arises from potsmokers coming in and shitting up the thread.
>>1183943 I appears you are unaware of the concern troll tactic.
Now you are
Concern troll - 1
You - 0
Step up your game and tighten it up, son.
>>1183962 What is the point of this post? Just as stupid as a troll post. Add content, stop policing.
Moving on...
I feel like any time a friend finds out I make pipes they say "wow can you make me a long one like on LOTR?!" It kind of bothers me that this is the go to pipe style for the typical mooch person.
I think bulldogs are the best pipe aestheticly speaking. Such geometry and fine shape. Long churchwardens are okay, but I could never go out in public w one because they make me feel like a larper.
>>1183969 Wow. Lighten up. Change your tampon. Have a drink. Relax with a pipe. Learn to laugh. Have a chuckle. Take your autism meds.
You're gonna have a stroke soon at this rate.
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>>1183979 Drinking right now. Had 2 strokes already.
>>1183799 I’m fairly new to pipe smoking but Prince Albert has been the best tobacco I’ve smoked so far.
>>1184024 Prince Albert is p good. I liked it as a starter. I also recommend captain black dark or smokers pride black cavendish. Very mellow and sweet, no bite, a great start to new pipers. Nothing wrong with starting simple, then expanding on more premium tobaccos later on.
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>>1182452 We discussed it a bit at the top of the thread, what do you think of it? Assuming youve sampled it
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
/out/ on Another overnighter. Decided to take the churchwarden out because they've been discussed Found these casings at a bench where I stopped for a drink They say AMA 08.
>>1184184 Blanks. Must be a military training ground.
>>1184184 Oh, and the rounds are from the Danish Ammunition Arsenal and they're made in 2008.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Brand new tent erected. Celebratory smoke
>>1184204 >>1184205 Neat. Thought they were blanks cause the tips are clamped
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I experimented with waxing strike anywhere matches in order to A; waterproof them and B: make them easier to light and burn in the wind and such. The results were poor; yes, they burned longer and once you got the wax to stop putting the matches out, larger and harder to put out, but they also dripped wax everywhere.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Waiting for some water to boil to warm my sleeping bag. This Orlik deluxe bulldog has really become my favourite smoker. Kinda killed my lust for any new pipes
>>1183546 Got a couple, but this is my best briar, a French-made GBD Sauvage bulldog.
It smokes so nice and easy it’s almost effortless.
The other “best” pipe is just a well-worn $7 MM Legend. If pressed, I have to admit it smokes even better than the GBD, but everybody knows what a cob looks like.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1184267 Cool. Love that "baseball" stitching
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>>1184041 Id definitely still consider myself a beginner and so I’m enjoying my Prince Albert and some Privateer Red that my dad gave me. I recently picked up some Captain Black Royal and it’s not bad, but a lot wetter than Prince Albert and that Privateer so I had to change my packing techniques a bit to keep it lit.
Hoping to get a second pipe soon and maybe buy some fancier tobacco for it soon, not sure what I should get.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Went to grab the churchwarden from the tent, realized I forgot all my sleep clothes in a drybag on the couch at home. Oh well. It's Dublin shape if I am not mistaken. Right? Probably hard to tell from the picture anyway.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
As usual with this pipe. I get substantial and annoying moisture build up in the stem. Disregard my earlier statement about lack of lust for new pipes, I need one of those German porcelain long pipes! Can't remember the German name
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1184323 One of those porcelain pipes with an almost vertical stem. And importantly a sump.
>>1184334 Yep, they're Tyrolean pipes.
>>1184315 I think you’re thinking of a Tyrolean pipe, but there’s also a Cavalier shape that’s like the modern descendent of the Tyrolean.
I’ve been mulling over whether to get a Cavalier myself. They just seem so practical.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1184337 >>1184338 Precisely one of those! I remember waaay back when I first started pipe smokimg seriously, I walked into "The Danish pipe shop"s old location before they moved and there was this old guy with a HUUUGE porcelain pipe. Wish I had talked to him about it but I felt too much of a pipe novice. Stupid.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1184343 If only I had known how warm and welcoming the pipe hobby was
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>>1184343 >>1184345 I wish I knew; I've never talked to another person who smoked pipes. Just been buying online and such.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Fire is struggling against the cold and moisture. I am going for a pee then a last smoke. Good night /pipegen/
Just got my pipe in the mail guys. Walgreens a good place to buy tobacco? Theres tons of tobacco shops in my town if that doesn't work out.
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>>1184338 For moisture management there's always the Peterson System pipes. Kirsten pipes have a moisture trap as well.
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>>1184363 I’d go straight to the tobacco shops, and even then their selection is going to suck. Prince Albert, captain black, and that’s pretty much it for choices usually.
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>>1184363 Walgreens is ok if there’s nowhere else or all you want is something basic like captain black.
Tobacco shops are much preferred, and if you find one with a good pipe tobacco selection, encourage them by buying from it.
>>1184363 Walgreens is not a good place to get tobacco.
Just order it online or go to the place and ask for Dunhill, Samuel Gawith or GL Pease.
>>1184436 Also Standard, Squadron Leader and Westminster are what I'd recommend as a beginner.
>>1184438 I second this on Squadron Leader, however, do not make the same mistake I did and leave it in the tin. I was going to smoke some last night only to find it was bone dry. I highly suggest putting it in a mason jar.
>>1184455 While a jar is best to decant your tin into if you can, my preferred tobacco carry method is about as tight as a tin and pic related works well.
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Bulldog master race checking in 5 kero points
>>1184525 Isn't this full of holes and really small? You put tobacco inside of it?
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Frog Morton’s cellar is a wonderful tabacco if you haven’t tried it.
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>>1184630 You put the humidifier in the tin with the tobacco.
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>>1184630 It’s a tobacco pouch humidifier and it's about the size of a nickel.
Just getbit wet, throw it into the existing tin with the tobacco and you’re good to go.
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>>1183546 These are my best/favorite smokers: Mayfair "307", Kriswill "Chief 1832", DON "32", Lindbergh "36".
The Mayfair I use for latakia blends, for some reason it's really good at those. The others I use for virginia- and kentucky blends.
Not sure why they're better, I just have better smokes out of these - i.e., tobacco tastes better and burns at a perfect pace usually.
>>1184338 Are there any cavalier pipes in New production now? Or better yet, non-decorative Tyrolean pipes? I'd like to get a new one, but I have no idea where to look. Where do people get their oddball pipes from, Ebay?
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>>1185062 That’s where I look first for weird stuff.
Speaking of which:
http://r.ebay.com/5nbHaJ Anonymous
Why is smoking a pipe so relaxing bros? Shouldn't it have the exact opposite effect because of the nicotine?
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>>1185302 t b h I’ve yet to experience a noticeable nicotine buzz from smoking a pipe
>>1185302 Nicotine is calming. That's why cigarette smokers need a cig to chill out every 30 minutes.
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>>1175028 Where did you get the top middle holder?
Does anyone know about hookas? I want to get a handheld one. There was a painting from /wg/ that had an incredibly long one, even longer than these if I remember correctly. Where could I purchase one and do they have a proper name? Also, what did they light them with back then??
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>>1185457 >>1185459 I think these are just ornate/elongated tobacco pipes anon. Portable hookahs would need some type of 3 chambered system for the coals and water.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1185478 Wechsel Aurora 1. Stille 50% off on
bergfreunde.eu I think
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>>1185302 >>1185377 Nicotine has paradoxical effects; it is both a stimulant and a depressant, depending on dose. IIRC it becomes a depressant at higher doses.
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>>1185634 Bent, unless it's a cob.
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>>1185634 I prefer straight for the most part, but my bents smoke nicely; they're just harder to take around with you.
>>1185634 Straight.
I have some full bents for jawhanging and driving, but straight is my favorite. Don't know why.
>>1185656 For me it's aesthetics and the fact that they're just easier to hold in the mouth. Bents are much harder to keep between my lips.I don't like clenching because it damages the stems and my straights just balance right in the mouth.
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>>1185680 Aesthetics do favor the straight IMO. There is a little bent that I do love for practical reasons though.
Peterson 304, non-system army mount. Can pull the stem when hot, sits on a table, when stem is turned around it sits perfectly in a shirt pocket, small and light, hangs off the jaw effortlessly, holds enough for a long smoke but small enought for a quickie.
The way it is drilled (by necessity) may be seen as a flaw by some, but I think it is a feature. The draft hole doesn't meet at the exact bottom of the heel allowing moisture to settle instead or gurgle. The way the shank is drilled for the army mount also creates a small resevoir that keeps any juice from reaching your mouth.
Does anyone have any resources I could look into for pipe making?
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>>1185634 Much prefer a bent cob
The shank is very open, and with a straight, you can get little bits of tobacco in your teeth if you don’t use a filter.
With a bent stem, it’s just enough that you don’t.
I wanted to like a straight cob more, but the bent is just where it’s at for me.
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>>1185729 Try the usual pipe forums. Culture is a bit good ol' boy but they're usually quite welcoming and helpful.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1185634 aesthetically i prefer bent
for the comfort of clenching Oom Paul is king
smokability, straights are great, can be shot down by excess moisture
>>1185784 I find bents just are harder to hold in the mouth that straights myself.
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>>1185729 What do you need to know?
Get a pipe or pen maker lathe. Or any small lathe wit a 4 or 2 jaw chuck.
Order some briar online.
Order an assortment of mouthpieces on ebay china.
Get a file, some drill bits, a chisel and sandpaper. Just go for it. Take your own pipes apart and study the geometry of the holes. Look at cutaway diagrams online. The best way to learn this is to just go for it and if you get stuck on something ask for advice on a proper pipe forum.
There are many videos on YouTube about pipe making, from the artisans to the process at dr grabow factory and MM factory etc...
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1185808 unless a straight pipe has a real thin bit, like a saddle stem, or i have softy bits on. i find that straight pipes kinda ... bounce. all the time.
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>>1185812 That might be it; most of my pipes have saddle stems; I just prefer them.
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>>1178204 Green Turtle Cigars? Haven't seen them being sold anywhere, but had one with an air force surgeon once. Sounds similar to your experience too
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>>1178236 Nah. My dads smoked golden Virginia in green rizlas for ever and it's just not the same as a pipe.
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>>1180762 That's an anal plug m8