Quoted By:
>several years ago, lived in country sort of area, heavily farmed
>17 years old at the time, in highschool
>have to be picked up later in the evening from a school function, only stepdad is available
>driving down dark country roads, it's a nice spring night
>we get to the next to last road on the way home, farmland on right and treeline on left
>stepdad suddenly stops car in the middle of the road, Im jerked forward, about to yell at him for being an idiot driver
>he starts yelling about looking up, pointing, I look up and out of windshield
>three points of orange light in sky, aranged like a triangle and too low to be a plane, slowly moving to the left
>we're both utterly stunned and frozen in fear
>stare for several minutes, no other cars or even animals show themselves
>thing slowly dispersal like it's moving behind something, but there's nothing there but a black, starless sky around it, nowhere near treeline
>several minutes more of stunned silence
>stepdad was huge into scifi, remember him always saying he wanted to see a UFO
>look at him, ask what he thinks it was, he says UFO, seems something between stunned and happy
>he peels out onto our turn and floors it until we're home, though. He's staring at the sky the whole time
>nobody believes us, we have no proof
>we believe each other. Still talk about it to this day because he's just so damn stoked over it
Vaguely outdoorsy. I'm skeptical over what we saw, but I swear to god it wasn't any kind of plane I'd ever seen before, and I'd been living in the area for at least a decade at that point. Never saw anything like it since, either.