>>1195005Fully enclosed, no floor:
Use 30' sides for perimeter, A-frame construction.
Circle would be more space-efficient, but hexagon is more convenient.
Footprint is regular hexagon, 10' on a side. A = 6 * 1/2 * 10 * 5 * 3^0.5 =~ 260 sqft.
Wall-to-center distance: (5 * 3^0.5) ft
Hypotenuse: 10 ft
Height = (10^2 - (5 * 3^0.5)^2)^0.5 = (100 - 75)^0.5 = 25^0.5 = 5 ft
With floor:
Fold tarp in half, forming doubled 15 by 20 sheet.
Join edges together, leaving one 15 ft side accessible.
Lash sticks together to form circular ribs that just barely fit inside the frame; should be 30 feet in circumference (approx. 9.5 ft in diameter). Lash ribs to longitudinal spines.
Somehow lash this down. Probably ropes over the whole assembly.
Interior volume: can't be arsed anymore. Less than the sphere by the anon above but more than a sleeping bag.