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Survival mindset/trade off

No.1197678 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Assuming you get caught with you dick in your hands and end up in bumfuck nowhere, no phone, regular hydration level, no gear other than maybe your keychain.
>But I always have all my survival gear in a condom up my ass

Anyway, what does the book of survival™ tells you to do in the next example and what do you personally think it's the right move?

>trekking inna jungle
>Catch ride in a boat
>Get all your gear stolen and be left for dead
>Next village is 30miles away
>Old weed supplier is rip
>You know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy that can hook you up
>Drive quad 30miles into meeting point inna desert
>Get your shit stolen and be left for dead

Dehydration is your major concern. Do you hike the most miles possible in the first and second day and drink from questionable water sources and risk puking your shit 10 miles before you reach help or do you shelter during the day, hike when humidity and temperature is lower, pace yourself but still risk dehydrate yourself to dead on the 4 day?