>>1199068Where I am the ground water contamination was due to the fracking and it was proven as such in court.
If you don't mind the chance that it will produce areas with negative property value because of contaminated ground water is that it's a business. They make money for the local area.
>Closer oil instead of finding another false war in the middle east to get it?Most of the oil in the Middle East comes from Saudi Arabia. Please, Anon, remind me because my memory is quite bad, but when was the last time we went to war with Saudi Arabia?
Oh and the second biggest producer is Iran, who we have been sanctioning for a very long time now. Ever heard of the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996? It literally puts restrictions on how US companies are allowed to invest in oil and natural gas in the region. Tell me, Anon, if we only wanted the oil from that region why would we prevent our own companies from investing infrastructure there in order to claim a larger portion of said oil and the profit from it ourselves?
God people who say we go to war just for oil are so fucking ignorant, I swear. Don't pretend you know shit about politics or global affairs if you aren't going to bother to do even a modicum of research besides just look at chopped together screen caps of people saying things without giving any sort of sources.