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I want to camp in the woods alone for 7 days in Missouri

No.1203250 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi anons!
Never been to this board before but this seems to be the right place to ask for advice. Please don't make me go to /k/.
I want to go camping in the woods, alone, for 7 days straight in Missouri or around this area of the Midwest.
Criteria for my trip:
1. No organized campsites with normies.
2. No artificial light of any kind.
3. I must be alone.
4. I must only live off the land
5. I would like it to be free, but if not, I don't mind paying .

I am a recovering alcoholic. I've been clean for over 6 months now. The problem is, I can't seem to reset my biological clock and sleeping naturally is a problem for me. I've read that doing this in the wilderness for 7 days does the trick.
Thank you for any advice, this is greatly appreciated.
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