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No.1205552 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Suppose some dude built a shelter in the woods. Suppose it's a really good spot

>no one can find him and it's cool, yknow, hes fine, he's like 99.9999999999999% sure he'll be left alone so, y'know, just don't try to bring this point up in your response, ok? Jesus fuck, man.

Could he sustain himself solely by fishing and growing dope indefinitely?

>Supposing he has a real good spot for fishing and he's a good fisher and the spot also has good dirt and he knows how to grow good dope and all that shit, you nitpicky fucks. Shit.

The fish would be for nourishment. The dope, for recreation cause no internet.

Could he do it? Can the human body and mind survive on a steady diet of dope and fish?

>and yeah he has clean drinking water, you fucks, holy shit. Shut the fuck up.