>be me>want to swing flies for steelhead now that the weather is getting better>river 1 is flowing at 3640cfs as of today, but is unfishable over 800cfs >river two is flowing 1100cfs but isn't worth fishing over 600 cfs>it will be at least a week and a half before they are fishable because in a few days it's supposed to rain/snow morewhat should i do? last week i was out and the lakes were too frozen to fish but not frozen enough to fish.
>>1212333trips confirm you should probably do it. what was the action on it? slow, medium slow, medium, medium fast, or fast? i'd say ideal would be medium fast or medium for a ul rod to get it to load with such tiny lures
>>1212370i guinely want to see the fly, but that picture is blurrier than mine. can you get a better picture?
>>1212645honestly you can do some substitutions. just tell me what materials you need and i can help you with substitutions.
>>1212787>pic related>>1212993>>1212992>>1213081i defy you to present a #14 mayfly cripple to a rising trout at 40 feet with spinning gear without spooking it before you act like you have any idea what you're on about.
>>1213085>it's standard to use split shots with midges.man you really are daft, arent you? did you not read his post? did you not see that he was talking about a dry fly? yeah, sure, it's common to hang a splitshot with a zebra midge or similar larval state, but using splitshot with any dry fly defeats the purpose of using a dry fly?
go learn how to read, and learn what you're talking about, then we will have a right and propper discussion. yes, you can sort of fish a fly with normal spinning gear, in the same way you can sort of fish a small rapala with a fly rod, but it's infinitely better to cut the rapala off of the fly rod and put it on the ul spinning rod, and it's infinitely better to cut the fly off the ul spinning rod and put it on the fly rod, and to say anything else is tide-pod-eating window-licking retarded.